Home Relationships DEFINES SINGLES



As “unmarried people, people who are not married and do not have a romantic relationship with somebody else. The state of singleness has also been described as a state of someone being unmarried, divorced, separated from the spouse, or widowed.
To be single is to be whole! To be single is to be whole, outstanding, unique, separate and positively different! God is interested in your wholeness.

To be whole, you must discover who you are in the context of God’s word. That you are single now does not mean that you are a sub-standard or incomplete being. No, never entertain such feeling or thought! In fact, let me state categorically here that being single is not a curse neither is it a disease.

It is a blessing, a plus, not a minus, an addition, not a subtraction. It is not weird to be single and is certainly not an evil thing. It is simply a phase of life that holds undeniable benefits for those who utilize it.
Benefits Of Singleness

It Helps You To Draw Near To God
The benefits of the single years cut across the three dimensions of your life – spirit, soul and body. It takes an effective harnessing of these three dimensions to enjoy maximally the benefits of the single years.

The truth is, your relationship with God will reflect in your relationship with man. How you treat people is a pointer to how you treat God. There are some singles that chase marriage as a dog chasing a rabbit, especially those who are of marriageable age.

This is the excellent foundation for your future. Or, do you feel imprisoned by circumstances that seem to be beyond your control? Don’t be anxious. Do not panic. Don’t lose hope. Why? I seem to hear you ask. You know what? I can assure you that it will work out for your good, not against you. You don’t know what God has in store for you – no matter your age! You know what? God is still in the business of divine connections!

It Is The Prime Time Of Life
Another cardinal benefit of the single years is that it is the prime time of life. I strongly believe that it is in recognition of this that the bible says in Ecclesiastes 12:1, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; And 1 Timothy 4:12 says: Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Unusual strength is one of the characteristics of this prime time of life. While single, you feel you can conquer the whole world. Your strength seems to be at the peak. You become very adventurous. This explains why youths and singles are known for unusual strength. It is the best time for self-discovery as well as your mission on earth. It is a time to find out, where you actually belong in life. Many people in life get lost in the shadow of others, living as carbon copies when in actual fact they are created original.

Mobility is one other benefit of singleness. There is movement not only of the physical body, but also the mobility of time, money and decision. For instance, singleness permits greater freedom to respond to new job opportunities. This is because only personal consideration is required before such movements. Even when you are to make trips, movement is easier. Your speed is enhanced because you require lesser time to plan and execute your plans.

Freedom From Marital Responsibilities And Concerns
You are free from marital responsibilities and concerns when you are single. Marriage comes with attendant responsibilities. The married cares for how to please God as well as his or her spouse (I Corinthians 7:33- 34). As singles, you don’t have to please or pick up after someone, tolerate another’s moodiness, nagging or anger. You do not have to deal with another’s personal habits that has the potential to create tension in marriage such as squeezing of the toothpaste in the middle of the tube!

Make your foundation sure
Foundation is everything! Nothing can adequately substitute the need for a solid foundation. A building with a faulty foundation is a dangerous one to live in; it is usually evidenced by cracks all over. No reinforcement can adequately repair the cracks. The foundation of a house is what determines how stable, strong and lasting the building will be.

Every building with a faulty foundation must necessarily, be pulled down or it will collapse of its own accord like a pack of cards, with time.
Your single years are actually the foundation years of your life and destiny. If you do not lay a solid foundation for your life while single, the future cannot be guaranteed. Your destiny shall not collapse! The quality of success you will ever attain in life and destiny, hinges on the quality of the foundation you lay in your single years.

Maximize Your Single Days
Many singles have a problem knowing what to do with their lives while waiting for marriage or a glorious future. All that most young men and women do is to fast, pray and believe God for a spouse. Then, they soon start counting days and years; giving ultimatum to God. In such a state of anxiety, they begin to think that God is slow and that they are getting too old for marriage. But you can maximise your single years and make them exciting, purposeful, and full of fun.

Invest In Your Life As A Person
The best time for you to start investing into your life is while you are still single. This should affect every area of your life – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Now let’s look at each of these areas briefly.

Spiritually The single years are the best period to get acquainted with God. Get to know Him and let Him get to know you. Take time out in word study and meditation, unhindered by family responsibilities. Grow in grace and draw closer to God daily by communing with Him in prayer.

Build yourself up mentally. Be the best you can and enhance your worth. Develop skills. Develop yourself greatly in your chosen field of endeavor or career. Water, they say, seeks its own level. Your single days are an opportunity to exhibit the qualities you want in your future. Cultivate the winning attitudes that will be relevant for the future you desire.

Emotionally, develop yourself and your capacity to accommodate other people, unconditionally, for the rest of your life. Life is all about giving, not just receiving. God created us with emotions. Therefore, you need to learn in your single days, how to be tolerant and to handle issues with your emotions under control. You must learn how not to be controlled by your emotions.

Therefore, you need to learn in your single days, how to be tolerant and to handle issues with your emotions under control. You must learn how not to be controlled by your emotions. You should control them.

2) Many, who are older in life, end up regretting how they handled their single years. Their past years are gone and gone for eternity and cannot be recaptured and brought forward to be lived in the now! Please, do not make the same mistake, so you do not end your life in regret! Rise up and do something resourceful with your life now. If your tomorrow must be great, the foundation for it has to be laid today. Your today is actually a product of how you handled your yesterday. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of your now.

3) So, you really cannot make much of life without understanding the power of your now and effectively putting it to work. You cannot afford to tiptoe through life! The best of life is yours for the taking – now! You can actually give your life its best now. Don’t be careless or live life with a non-challant attitude. Get hold of your life and create a great future for yourself. Your single years are your best opportunity to lay a solid foundation for your future life, especially in marriage. Wake up, and do something worthwhile with your life now!

Redeem The Time!
Life is actually timed! On the other hand, time is life. This explains the reason for the popular phrase “life time.” Life is tied to time. In essence, it means the way you handle your time is a pointer to the way you handle your life. To waste time is to waste life and to invest time is to invest life.
Making my shoulders available!

Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen any further, it is by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone ahead of me.” Some time ago, while receiving a mandate for youths and singles, God said to me: “Make your shoulders available to them.” I then asked Him, “How do I do this? He said, “The things that you have heard, seen, looked upon, handled, experienced, taught and still teach and show your biological children, as well as, those who pass through your home about singleness and are producing undeniable evidences, teach and impart others” (I John 1:1-3).

Then He said to me, “If they see brighter, they would live better lives, even as singles.” I have proof that it works! You will also become an evidence. I have a divine passion and I am therefore committed, to see you make the most of your single years!

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