Falling in love is based solely on a feeling and an extremely shallow level of commitment that will eventually fade or dissipate. Walking in love is based on Covenant.
God speaks about His relationship with us as a marriage
He elevates marriage as a symbol of the union of Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:32)
As we study scripture, the bible consistently points us to a creator God who longingly pursues His children with an everlasting love (Isaiah 54:5). In the Old Testament God invites the children of Israel to be His people and covenants with them to be their God. This covenant love is a love that endures, renews, forgives, and restores (2 Chronicles 7:14).
In the New Testament God speaks about His relationship with His people as a marriage—thus elevating marriage as a symbol of the union of Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:32). This is the biblical model for Christian marriage and family relationships. If we are going to do marriage and relationships the way God intended, then we must have a Christian worldview.
We must understand and follow the ways of God.
In marriage, spouses have the capacity to mirror God’s covenant love to one another. Commitment that lasts a lifetime requires this type of covenant love. We can love our spouse unconditionally because we experience unconditional love from God (1 John 4:9, 10).
Covenant love goes beyond loyalty to marriage as an institution and surpasses the need for self-fulfillment. Covenant love is a “promise to sacrifice for the sake of the relationship.” It is a commitment to care for the needs of each other, nurturing the relationship, and upholding the institution of marriage.
Covenant love and commitment requires an interdependence that goes against the individuality of our postmodern times.
It also requires a mutuality that challenges traditional notions of marriage which resulted in legalistic and inflexible relationships. It is a lifelong commitment to investing in the marriage and holding on to the investment in good and bad times. When couples are intentional about spending quality time together doing joint activities, they learn to depend on each other, and this deepens their level of commitment.