There are few of us who get married, who don’t have fear. Fear from past relationships, fear from our childhood, fear of hurt, rejection, inferiority, insecurity, pride covering up our feelings of inadequacy, fear of being cheated on, misused, mistreated. We all experience fear.
But fear isn’t of God. There are two types of fear. Fear that causes you to be alert to danger or reverence to God and fear that debilitates, paralyzes, causes suspicion, distrust, and doubt. We tend to think that fear and everything that comes with it, isn’t designed to stop and hinder your forward movement together in God and the promises He has made to you both.
Fear is designed to stop you. It is designed to rip you apart and give up. But God has a different plan. Perfect love casts out all fear, so if we are in fear, we are outside of God’s love, but we don’t have to be. We can give to God all the things that plague our mind… because fear deals the mind, whispering negative thoughts and seeing what takes hold.
If we allow it, it will take over, causing us to become suspicious, distrustful and ultimately cynical of God. Why? Because we are not taking Him at His Word for our marriage, we are not trusting Him, the Creator of ALL things to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think.
We are saying that our fear is BIGGER than He is and He really can’t do anything about the situation we are in, the devil is a liar. Just like Jesus spoke the devil during the wilderness test we can speak out loud to fear and tell it to leave. It has to GO. I can resist the devil and he MUST flee (emphasis mine) The devil is never bigger than God-the devil is just a created being like the rest of us, so he doesn’t have omnipotent power, can’t be everywhere, or know everything. he doesn’t have power over your marriage either.
He can only do what he is allowed to do, either because we don’t know our rights as Christians or because it is open door in the family ancestrally or generationally. Determine whose report you are going to believe and then be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Olld man thinking, the way y\ou were before you got saved, has to go!
You are a new creation together and star to speak the Word over your marriage. The Word works! I can say personally that I have applied to my own marriage and have seen God do exactly what I have asked, when I let go and ALLOW HIM TO WORK ON BOTH OF US. We have to be willing to let go and let God work.