One glue that keeps couples together in marriage is intimacy. Not just being physically intimate or sharing their emotions, moods, etc or having a heart to heart conversation or intellectual discourse on issues, but drawing closer to God together as a family.
It is uncomfortable to see young couples who seem to be so much in touch and yet do not seem to agree on where to worship God together as a couple. When such topics come up in their discussion, one is quick to suggest that when they get married, each person will maintain their place of worship.
When you further enquire about the future of their children and the kind of church or denomination for them, they seem to leave that for the children to decide. These kinds of decisions if not handled well, can disturb or shake the foundation of the marriage or union.
God is not just the founder of marriage or principal of such institution but He is the center of every good, beautiful and lasting marriage. Take God out of any marriage and the marriage loses its balance, its center. Such a marriage is at the mercy of the storms of life.
The scripture clearly demonstrates that the woman is taken out of the man. “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[a] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man” – Genesis 2:22 (NIV). In other words, the source or head of the woman is the man. The head and the body need to work together to function well. It’s therefore important for the couple to do things together. Work together to achieve the interest of their marriage.
Anytime you see a head without a body, its either a dead or incomplete head. Anytime you see the body without a head, such a body is dead or incomplete. Why will one want to see their head move in one direction or a separate direction and have their body in another direction.
Church is not a social gathering but a place of worship, that is one place we are fed spiritually. And the doctrine we receive has an impact on our growth. Why will spouses subject themselves to different doctrines under one roof? You will end up bringing confusion home. It is easy for such couples to get into arguments. Becoming one or united is something that can be hard for such a couple.
It is far better to marry someone you can worship together with and receive the same doctrine. Study the word of God together. Pray together, raise their children in the same faith. Couples who do that draw closer to God.
Young lady planning marriage this Valentine or year, my question to you is, are you comfortable with where your man worships? Are you ready to join him and raise your family together in the same faith? If the answer is NO, please don’t get married to him. Save yourself from the stress. Don’t tell him, if he truly loves you, he should join your church. Your love for each other should not be conditional. He should join your church because he wants to and not because you will leave him. His love for God should be greater than what he has for you.
Mr. young man planning for marriage this Valentine or year, is the lady you want to marry willing to join you at your church and worship together with you? To help you grow spiritually? If the answer is NO, let her be. Marrying her because you don’t want to lose her might result in losing your peace. If you are comfortable with her church and want to be part, do so because you love God more than her and love the church not because of her.
In conclusion, “Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit and so be at peace with one another” – Ephesians 4:3 (TLB).