Love is not a profitable investment. Losses are incurred through true love. Yet the benefits in loving is immense. Those who share love without expecting recompense are those favored to harvest the divine benevolence of the nature of God.
God lost His beloved to be able to love you without reward. Many pour out love, expecting to be loved back with equal measure – a misplaced expectation indeed.
The world makes more profits from wars than in love.
But war is of the world and love is of God. Love is priceless, yet has its own prize, because your loss in love is not a lost out. All those you love are not necessarily going to love you back.
This is an unspoken truth. In fact, those you even love most are more likely to be those who will inflict on you the most excruciating heartbreak. If, in spite of the loss incurred in loving, you still go ahead to share love, then you are of God. Expect no rewards in love. The proceeds of love come from God and not the world. Be Inspired. – By Mkson.