Home Inspirational PRAY FOR GODLY HOME



Marriage is sweet, marriage is honourable in all. MARRIAGE IS NOT A SCAM. If we all follow the Manufacturer’s manual for marriage and simply obey every single instructions therein, we will have all have divorce-proof marriages that is tension free.

In a nutshell, this is the summary of God precept for a divorce-proof marriage.

— Husband love (care for, tend, grow).
— Wife submit (follow, defer to, honour).
— Children obey (respond, follow instructions)
— Fathers provoke not (harass not)
— Servants obey (not with eye service) and
— Masters, forbear threatening.
Ephesians 5 & 6.

Under ideal condition, if all these precepts are followed to the later, we will all have a peaceful home.

However, the incidence of increased domestic violences, sexual abuses and assaults in marriages especially godly home these days, makes it pertinent for us to pray for all marriages. I believe a praying couple will have a tension free home.

I want you to know that in these end times, Satan has an assignment and that assignment is to scatter godly homes. It is going to be a spiritual battle and not a physical one. The final unslaught of the devil in this end times is targeted at godly homes. Why? Because godly homes will raise godly seeds who becomes threats to his kingdom. (Gen. 2: 15).

The devil knows the greatest way to damage the society, lives and affairs of man is to attack the marriage institution. That is primarily the agenda of the devil.

How can one explain why the wife of a pastor in a supposed godly home suddenly wakes up one day without her being abused or assaulted and say she is tired of the marriage and felt she wants to move on.

Or a supposed minister assaulting his wife and give her injury in the face? It is an attack! It is beyond our physical analysis.

A man physically assaulting or verbal maltreating his wife and causing her injuries, is an attack from the pit of hell. Any man/woman that does any of these needs urgent deliverance because it is a sign he is under a demonic attack. The Bible says, while man slept, his enemy came and sowed tares in that life and went his way. (Matt. 13: 25).

Violence, assaults, aggression, molestation, rape, unjust treatment and other types of physical or verbal abuse negate God’s plan for marriage.

Satan assignment to godly homes became clearer to me when I heard the story of a man of God who was on a long distance flight.

The story goes thus; A man of God boarded an aircraft to a very far country. The journey began and they were on air for several hours. However, he noticed something. He noticed that a particular woman sitting close to him on the aircraft declined to accept every food the flight attendants offered her throughout the journey.

And this made the man of God to be wondering whether the woman was a believer observing a fast for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. So when they got to their final destination after several hours, he decided to meet the woman and asked her he noticed she didn’t eat throughout the journey. That is she on a long fast? She said yes!

She said that she and the kingdom of darkness are on a long fast for one primary purpose; for the destruction of godly homes. The man of God was shocked at this revelation.

When I heard this story, I was amazed that no wonder we have high level of divorces and separation amongst couples today. Even the so called ministers of God are divorcing their wives and vice versa. Married people of God including ministers are having girl friends, man friends, side chicks and some even have children outside wedlock simply because the gate of hell has vowed to scatter godly marriages.

All these are predetermined attack from the pit of hell to scatter marriages especially godly homes. That is why more than ever before, we need to wake up as a body and raise prayer altars for the survival of all marriages especially godly marriages.


Marital crises can be solved. Marital storms can be calmed. If Jesus can still speak can speak to the storm and say, “Peace, be still”. And the storm calm, I believe that there is no marital crises that cannot be solved.

Instead of couples trying to solving their marital crises using physical combats, domestic violences, violent fists or caustic mouths, the prayer weapon is the most potent weapon that if both parties engage can bring lasting solution to all their marital brouhaha.

I am of the opinion that there is virtually no irredeemable marriage once one or both parties can be brought under the dominion of Christ.

You see, it is hightime we knew that our marriages have an enemy. The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy good marriages. Satan wants to devour good homes. And the most powerful weapon you have over the adversary the devil is prayer. Many spouses use quarrels, naggings and some result to physical combat s when issues arise in marriage not knowing they cannot fight a spiritual battle using physical weapons.

It is funny how easy it is to contend with your spouse, rather than ‘contend’ with God in the place of prayer. I believe that when we effectively and efficiently use prayer weapons in our marriages, quarrels, strives, malice, tensions and tussle will be extenuated.

Before challenges arise in marriage, we need to learn how pray always and not faint. The Bible says we should PRAY without ceasing (1 Thes. 5: 17), and also Watch and PRAY. Be anxious for nothing but in everything by PRAYER and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (Phil 4:6).

Another benefit of prayer is, prayer is like a fragrance in the realm of the spirit that goes up to God on our behalf. (Rev 5:8).

Prayer from the lips of a believer is like a sweet smelling savour, it goes before God as such and the result is a wonder on earth, No wonder the Word of the God tells us the prayer of the sinner is an abomination to God. So as spouse when you raise the altar of prayer in your home, it’s like a sweet smelling savour, it goes before God in the throne room to produce produce positive changes in your marriage.

It’s so important for married couples to pray together everyday. Before you go into the day’s activity, pray together as a couple commiting your day and every other activities before him.

Praying with your spouse, if you haven’t made it a habit, can feel awkward at first, but will then become something you will find comforting and encouraging. I encourage couples everywhere to be intentional about praying together because of it’s immeasurable benefits. It is the greatest weapon in our armoury to combating Satan’s attacks against our marriages.

My Advice to Singles

In a deep meditation, I came up with this submission that, wrong marriages stems from wrong foundations.

To singles, I will give you the advice they gave to me before I got marry. PRAY VERY WELL BEFORE YOU MARRY! You may think because you are anointed you cannot miss it. Well I have heard and seen many anointed men and women of God that have missed it in marriage. Simply because no matter who you are, God will give people two options in regards to marriage; His Express will and His permissive will.

There are people that one should not marry at all because they are sons and daughters of perdition, that if some one marry them, there is no way there will not be marital crises that may lead to break up and divorce no matter how one tries to salvage it. While there are some people when marry them and there are crises, when we call on God in prayers and follow biblical principle for successful marriage, things will work out.

But the most important thing as a single is don’t marry wrongly. Because once you miss it in marriage and choose a son/daughter of the devil, you can’t escape it, that marriage will be hell on earth.

May you not miss it in marriage in Jesus name!

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