To a woman, man is the problem and man is the solution. And to a man, money is the problem and money is the solution. Yet many are set to argue that the reality is frankly the other way round. Whichever and whatever, the amount of truth in these is revealed only by time and experience.
A man will marry a woman with the hope that, he will change who she is, due to the power of his money. And a woman will marry a man with the calculations that, through the power of love, she will change him to her taste -in spite of his money. The awful news is that, they all, almost always get disappointed.
Deceit shouldn’t be part of the game. Relationships should not harbor hidden agendas; and the solutions to your problems come from nowhere but within yourselves.
Open up to your partner, put your cards on the table. Do so even before marriage, so as to establish your compatibility or the lack of it. By this you shall enjoy the proceeds of the strength of your unity and the fruits of your sense of collective understanding. Be Inspired.