Our mindset is so powerful! What you think, ruminate and meditate on runs and rules your life. If you believe you will have a hard time getting the right man to marry, you may end up with the wrong man in marriage! It breaks my heart when I hear young ladies lament the scarcity of good men. Good men are not scarce! They are everywhere. Ask God to open your eyes to see and identify yours!
I have never lacked good men all my life. I have never lacked love, attention, admiration, support and help. I had good men as friends while single and I married a super good man. When women tell me men treat them like a pile of shit, I wonder whether we are operating from different planets!
Work on your mind sister. Package yourself with dignity. Tell yourself, “Only a good man deserves me.” Have the mindset of attracting good men only and the positive energy oozing from you will drive users, abusers, wife batterers, possessive and irresponsible men away from you. Even when they come around, you will quickly spot them, shift from them and position yourself for that king to locate you. You are a queen, don’t allow any man treat you like a pile of shit!
I’m not asking you to be proud. Be humble but be conscious of the God in you. Treat yourself with dignity and respect. Men will treat you the way you treat yourself.
Be good! We attract our kind. The Bible says, “He that findeth a wife, findeth a GOOD thing”. Are you good? If you are a blatant liar, a double dater, an acute, incurable fornicator, a lazy, passive, vision less and goalless lady, a verbal and emotional abuser, a fighter, possessively jealous, disrespectful, rude, proud, pompous, haughty, boastful, arrogant, snobbish, unfriendly, cold and outright wicked, you won’t find a good man to marry. You will always attract your kind.
Be sensitive to God’s leading. Some ladies are so selective, they do not have the capacity to hear God in fact, they do not want to hear Him. They want to use their little brain to pick the man they like. If the man is not 6 feet tall, “handsome”, has a fat bank account, rides an exotic car, earns at list in six figures, they won’t marry him. They are not ready to start with any man from the scratch.
They want the ready-made so they ignore all the good men asking for their hands in marriage because “he is not up to my standard” and settle down with an abuser. God can give you a man with all that qualities and he will still be good but it will be God giving you not you snatching him from Him when he is actually meant for someone else.
Pray! Some ladies’ cases are spiritual. Good men run away from them for no sensible reason while all the wrong men get attracted to them. One young lady lamented that only married men showed interest in her.
It is a seige that needs to be broken. Read good books on breaking generational curses, destroying soul ties from past sexual partners, overcoming marital delay and also read books on locating and finding your God ordained husband.