Many Relationships break up and all the young men can say is “it is not you, it is me” or “i guess it wasn’t meant to be” some Will even lie on God’s name and say they were led to break up with you.
All the time, you hear guys give funny reasons for breaking up with ladies, or no reason at all, but whereas in reality there are reasons they broke up with the lady, that they won’t say, whether for fear, or they see no reason to,
So today I bring to the ladies, reasons guys break up with ladies, I have not included reasons such as not giving in to his demand for sex because you shouldn’t, or cultural and family issues because those are most often beyond your power , . God bless
Let’s face it, we aren’t designed to marry just any or every body, just because he is a child of God doesn’t make him the one for you, fact,
So you tried all you could, he was a great guy, you are a great lady, and you did the best you could do, but it still didn’t work out,
well trust God, he knows what’s best for you, don’t beat yourself up, your relationship with your ex may not have worked out because what’s ahead is better, what’s coming next always beats what’s ex..this, or ;
As a rule in relationships, never come on too strong to any one, people Will assume you are either desperate or a fraudster. So you just met him today, he asks you out the next week and you accept, and the next thing, you are asking him when is he going to take you to see his parents, when is he coming to see your parents, ha, aunty, emabinu, warisit, he wee run,
Men can smell a woman that is desperate like a shark smells blood, when you are desperate you loose sight of reality, you start taking nonsense from him, and believe you me, he may not say it, but he won’t respect you for that,
Some Ladies act like if he leaves them, they would die, it’s a lie, don’t allow Celine Dion and West Life get to you, it’s Music, you will not die without him,
let him know that without him you have a life, stop acting like without him you are nothing, before him you were, after him, you will be,
“if you leave me I will die” no wonder he left,
you think telling a man that you can’t do without him is romantic, no, it’s spooky, Real men want an independent Woman who WANTS a spouse’s, not NEED a spouse,
Real Men seek a mate who is independent, then they beg her to become dependent on them, go figure
Can I tell you a secret, there are men who will run away from any Woman who has no problem being insulted and being used like a rag because of wedding ring,
I for one will not accept anybody that in the name of a relationship turning me into a plaything and I expect a lady to have the same expectation from me,
expect him to respect you,
you can not turn yourself into a Footmat and get angry when people walk all over you,
speak up, want something,speak out, don’t like something, say so, some ladies worship Men who can’t treat them well who sadly enough at the end of the day will not marry them, know your convictions, is he doing something you don’t like, groping you, talking to you inappropriately, why are you keeping quiet,?
because of wedding gown?, chei,
Many think giving in to HIS DEMANDS will make him commit
Sex doesn’t keep a Man, it doesn’t, am telling you, he can sleep with you and still leave you.
Stand your ground,you won’t convince him by giving in to him,
4) ALWAYS AVAILABLE (sounds silly right?)
It is true what we learnt in economics those days in secondary school, scarcity drives up demand
People easily take you for granted if you are sometimes too easy and available,
Gold is found deep in the ground, unlike stones and pebbles, he calls you
“are you free Sunday?” “emmmm, I supposed to be in house fellowship, but I will cancel for your sake”
“are you free Monday?” “emmmm yes, I am, I ought to be with a customer, but I Will cancel for your sake, you know I love you” chei,
“are you free Wednesday” “yes I am, infact I am always free for you”
How can you be always free laidat, you don’t have a life, schedule? Work? Church? Abi “you no dey go work?” even if you are free, pretend like you are not, what?
you rearranged you entire life to suit him, reschedule all your schedules to make you free and available whenever he wants your presence, aunty are you OK?,
he wee run,afraid will catch him, that this one is a parasite oh, she will just make me her entire world, no breathing space for me.
That meeting you are canceling because of your boyfriend may be the meeting you were supposed to meet your husband.
When he knows you have a life, he Will know you won’t be a pest or a burden to his, he will know he is not dealing with tissue paper, but a Lady, a human being
Somebody will just call you, the phone haf not even ring, you have picked, so you just sit by the phone waiting for him to call, you have never missed his call before, oogha oh, you tell him how available you are for him everyday,, a lady should be like a prescription drug, not obtained without a doctor’s prescription, not an over the counter drug like paracetamol. Wetin..
I am not saying be unavailable, no, that would be counterproductive, I am saying don’t put your life on hold because you want to be available, because you will end up being too available, and seem desperate..
“It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” – Prov 21:9
If there is one thing a Man fears and dreads, it’s nagging,
Wives who have lived with a man for five plus years and had kids with him, married him and being with him through thick and thin are allowed to nag, they can ask a man hard questions like “is your head okay?”
But for a lady who is in a relationship to start nagging, no oh
tender your complaints and allow him make amends, but don’t nag him in the process, he will run, he will get spooked, thinking that you are a nagging woman, (which you are if you are nagging him, I mean, a nagging woman nags, so if you nag, you are a emmmm, I did not say anything oh)
He comes to visit you and
“where have you been, why are you just coming, why didn’t you call like you said you will, but I told you never to…. ” all said under a minute, only a nagging woman can do this, you have not even welcomed him first,
Nag definition :
:To annoy (someone) by often complaining about his or her behavior, appearance, etc.
: to annoy (someone) with repeated questions, requests, or orders
Simply put, a nag is someone who is always complaining about every and any thing
Consistently, Persistently complaining will not change any Man, it will only chase them from you..
Don’t drive him way with complains and queries. He will change, show him love, acceptance, let him know you are there for him, and if you can not cope, let him know, them watch his attitude, if he is not willing to change, then call it quits,bjt don’t think you will change him by nagging, you will only chase him.. Away
6) OTHERS (some are funny, some are serious, and some are actually overlookable)
Dirtyness (this one ehn)
Lack of dress sense (no comment)
Lack of Respect for him, for anyone self
Inability to cook (another no comment)
Aggressiveness and violent Nature (some ladies are sisters to Mayweather, you will hear lady slapped her boyfriend, he wee run na, who wan die? Or is it somebody like me that hates violence that will now go and Marry somebody that Wil be beating me back to back? Mba) that is why not many men will go and marry a soldier woman.
Feel Free to add Yours
As A lady, it beholds you to Work on Yourself, first and foremost you owe it to yourself, take a good look at the lady in the mirror.. How many yards wife material do you see?