If any two people will DECIDE to SUBMIT to ALL that will allow their marriage to work, then that marriage has no choice but to work!
The problem is that people get together and are looking at each other… it’s really very funny.
And it’s because people haven’t been trained that in marriage, your eyes are not meant to be on your partner!!!
Is there any athlete anywhere in the world who runs a race by looking at the others who share that same race track? No!… the eyes are on the finish line!
Do people join a new company and start to look at the fellow staff members to know what to do?.. No!.. the day you resumed or whilst in the newbie training you would be given a manual stating the goals and focus of the company.. the organization expects that you affix your eyes upon those and run your race accordingly.
Why then does it come to marriage and there are no set goals upon which each partner must dwell?
This matter of whether the woman should submit to the man or the man should love the woman would not even be a bother if both people commit to submitting themselves over and over and over again, to the GOALS they set for their marriage.
So, a person who wishes to marry must have educated themselves first on what a marriage according to the creator’s design.
Then you decide, in line with that design, WHAT KIND OF MARRIAGE DO I WANT?
Then you seek a partner that wants same or almost same!.. and you both sit down and join your goals together and arrive at SET GOALS that your union must fulfill…and commit to serving those goals
In serving those goals again and again.. you would serve yourselves definitely!
But, novels and movies won’t teach you that now, would they?
And neither would a marriage counseling class in church, who may not have this knowledge!
What to do?
GET WISDOM!!!…. And in all thine getting, get UNDERSTANDING!