Every woman knows when you’re giving her maximum attention and when the attention drops by an inch, she will know something is wrong.
Women don’t want money as much as they want the attention of the man they love. Believe me, when a lady is deep into you, she needs your time, she’ll have stories to tell you about how her day went, sometimes boring stories, sometimes things that don’t tickle your interest but you just have to listen, you just have to smile along with the rubbish you think she is saying. Show her that you care about her by listening to her especially when she’s talking too much.
She’s no longer that tough lady you used to know when you were wooing her. Now that she’s in love with you, she’ll likely gonna act like a child, always saying something. You just have to be soft and always listen even when you’re tired.
Sometimes it’ll be annoying and very boring but you have to be mature and act like a father, not just a lover.
There will be more issues in your relationship if you lessen your attention to your lady. The attention lubricates the relationship. It makes her feel she’s yours. But when you’re too busy with your life and issues not even to listen to her, no matter the money you give her, sure thing is that she’ll collect the money but deep in her she knows you’re far from her and she’ll feel unfulfilled.
I hear a lot of people saying women love money but on the long run a lot of women discover that money can’t replace a man’s attention, his pure care and affection.
She needs your time.
Your listening ears.
I hope I’m saying the mind of the ladies in the house?