One comic relief is when one finds him or herself in a bad relationship, a relationship that has no root, a relationship that has no future, a relationship that lacks growth and instead of leaving, they hold on to the statement “I love him or her and I cant let go.”. Nobody is disputing your love or feeling for someone, but you need to know such feelings cannot change the person or the relationship but rather cause you more hurt.

It is high time singles realize marriage is not a fairytale for them to dream but it is a work and needs a commitment from both parties. No great relationship happens because of the love you have for someone, but rather how you work together to build the relationship. If he or she shows a lack of interest in working towards the growth of the relationship, your feeling can barely do anything to change them.

Getting into a relationship is not signing of a hurt warrant. These days people in love or relationship rather carry heavy hearts around. Bags and items were supposed to weigh heavy, not the heart. If a relationship is putting such weight on your heart, you need to know such relationship will end your life soon.

Don’t become dead-alive because of love that cannot be sustained. Stop holding on to broken promises in the name of a relationship. It is children who hold on to broken pencils but not for too long. They soon outgrow it. Stop faking smiles all over just to convince people around you all is well, and yet soak your pillow with tears at night. If you should fake anything, that should be your tears and not your smiles.

A Bleeding heart leads to death. Stop living a lie, stop wasting your life, you cannot wear a mask for very long. Your relationship is nothing if you are not happy. Your relationship is worthless if you are not happy. People should always remember that love that runs in a relationship is a two way affair. Losing becomes winning when you are with the right person. You lose your all to them and they lose their all to you.

So anytime you are giving to your partner, you have no fear in your heart because you end up receiving their all. Its selfless and sacrificial. This does not happen only at the beginning of the relationship, it continues to the end. Your love for each other may be sweet in the beginning but it gets sweeter as it gets older. Only fake love gets sweet in the beginning but turns sour with time.

Good relationship is like a pair of tyres. It travels through the good and bad times together. Only the bad tyre bursts on a bad road. Good ones go through the test of time. Good relationships never cheat when things get bad. It never makes a partner feel unwanted. They are a team and they either lose or win together. When someone rejects or ignores you, always remember the door to their heart can be locked from the other side too.

So stop using different tactics, plans, alternatives and people to win them at all cost. Putting pressure on someone to accept you does not show you truly love them. In conclusion, “In all hard work there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” – Proverbs 14:23 (TLV).

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