Yes husbands, the wife is your helper. But she needs your help too.
1) Help her to pursue her dreams, she is more than a wife and a mother. She has an individual purpose.
2) Help her make the right decisions in life. Advice her and counsel her.
3) Help her navigate the journey of pregnancy. Find out how she is doing carrying your child, go with her to the clinic, be there when she feels overwhelmed.
4) Help her with her school when she pursues her Degree, Masters or PhD. Offer to make her coffee when she is doing her assignments, pick her up from Campus to drive her tired self home, share with her study material that may be of help.
5) Help her start her business. Invest in her idea if you have the means, help her come up with a business plan, give her objective criticism of her ideas, help her in choosing who to hire, support her efforts.
6) Help raise the children. Carry the infant, mentor the children, stay with the children sometimes so that she has free time to do other things, discipline the children with her; they are your children too.
7) Help her manage finances. Don’t let her get stranded or make bad financial choices yet you have more understanding.
8) Help with the house chores. Your position as Head of the family will not be diminished if you lend a hand where you can.
9) Help her decide what to wear and how she looks. Sometimes she will seek your opinion on what to wear, don’t see this as a petty question, she feels good when you give her feedback.
10) Help her raise the home in a Godly manner. Don’t be that husband who wants a Godly family but you leave the praying and the children upbringing to the wife alone.
11) Help her fight her battles when things get tough. Let her wars be yours too.
Marriage is not just about making the husband happy, but the both of you happy. Derive your joy from how much value you add to each other