‘You can change habit for someone but you can’t change nature for anybody’.
I could still remember a time in my life I was in a relationship with a young lady I so much loved and cared for. At a point in the relationship, I could sense that she was free being with me while we are alone but she hardly like walking the streets with me.
I confidently asked her to explain the reason to me. It was at that point that she told me that she doesn’t like my steps. It was a painful point but much a good one for the fact that she was pointing at something that can’t change. I was in love with the way I walk. Not even God had a problem with that. Even as a growing boy, I was the fastest runner that I was called the ‘Mad dog’. I was a football player and goal keeper for years.
Nature is something we can’t change. The short man can’t grow taller to fit into someone’s description. The tall man can’t go down any lesser to fit into anyone’s choice.
I remember one time a friend liked a particular young lady and he still told me that he won’t like to marry her. I asked for his reason and he said that she used to walk so fast like a man chasing after something.
I have heard lots of time where men said, ‘My girl has good character but she is too short for me’, ‘She is beautiful but stammers a lot’, ‘I like her but she is fair like an albino and I don’t want that’.
Why do most ladies bleach their skins?. They want to change their nature to impress people and still it doesn’t always go well. Your skin nature is a gift from God. Why trying to use a chemical formula to prove God wrong?.
It’s a kind of weakness to find yourself in a struggle to change nature to fit into someone’s description. There is always someone God made your nature for. I have a brother who could do nothing with slim or average body built ladies. He admired most fat ladies and that was what he went for in marriage.
I want you to start being ready for marriage in more positive ways. Marriage takes a lot of knowledge. You need to invest yourself in learning about relationship and marriage. Don’t always assume that age and exposure have taught you much about it.