Home Relationships Understanding Wrong Relationships

Understanding Wrong Relationships


If God would bless a man, He brings someone into his life; and if the devil wants to destroy him beyond repair, he leads him into a wrong relationship or brings the wrong person into his life.

Relationships are advantageous connections. Someone said that what money can buy, good relationships can equally pay for it. And I’ll add this: what money can destroy, relationships can also damage it.

Many are in a wrong relationship not because they do not know that it is wrong, but it’s the attempt of the enemy to fulfill his 3 point agenda over their lives.

Why would you be in a relationship that destroys your life, and body on a platter of immorality? Why would you be in a relationship when the purpose of it is destructive pleasure or it’s laden with future regret?

You may not know or see the enemy behind what you do in that relationship, but your wrong decision or choices can foster the actualization of his agenda over your life.

God created human life, but the devil came to destroy it. Meanwhile, Jesus came to restore broken or damaged lives. However, it is who you open the door of your life to through your choices and decisions that determine the outcome of your life in that relationship. Meanwhile, men and women are victims of wrong relationships, ladies especially.

A relationship is wrong because of the damage it does to your body, soul, destiny, and future. Embracing the likes of illicit sex (premarital and extramarital) is a destruction to your body and soul. Tolerating a cheat or an abusive partner is detrimental to your destiny, future, and emotional well-being.

Cohabiting with someone you’re not married to is a wrong relationship. Having repeated illicit sex is an outright evil and a pathway to destruction no matter the sexual pleasure you enjoy. Becoming a baby mama or papa is a dishonorable relationship and a desecration of marriage which God loathes even if the whole world celebrates it.

A relationship is wrong, not because you’re not happy in it, but it’s easing your influence and relevance in life and destiny. A relationship where you’re confused about making the right decision is not a place you should stay.

Staying in a relationship where you’ve been beaten blue-black because of anger mismanagement is a wrong relationship. Managing a cheat when you’re not married with the hope that change would occur is a bad relationship.

A wrong relationship is one that pulls you 10km away from God but draws you closer to the devil and destruction. It is also toxic and harmful to your well-being, growth, and development.

You can’t stay in a wrong relationship with the hope of making it right. A relationship is wrong when you wilfully disobey the will of God in it or it encourages you to do so. A relationship is wrong when it makes you abuse the purpose why God created you.

If you have been destined for greatness, why would you tie yourself to a relationship that undermines your greatness? And of course, you’re destined to be great. Quit that wrong relationship before it destroys your life to the point where it would be too late to redeem the damage.

A wrong relationship is wrong, there are no two ways about it. You can’t stay in a wrong relationship to make it right, it will cost you your life, and divine destiny. The only way to make it right is to quit and seek the face of God.

If you’re emotionally tied to a wrong relationship, prayerfully break the soul tie. If it’s financial comfort that keeps you glued to it, quit and find something you can do with your hands, talent, skill, or brain to fetch you money in a godly and legal way. I know starting afresh could be difficult, but it’s better than reducing your life in it to a piece of bread. Any reason that keeps you in a wrong relationship would spearhead your destruction.

Many who stay put in a wrong relationship ended up in death or destruction. Why manage what’s wrong when you can have the best from God? Why nurse the fear of what people will say to stay trapped in it? Why would you allow the fear of starting again to destroy you in that relationship?

It’s better to fail forward than to fail inwards. It’s better to come out of the mistake you made and redeem it than to be destroyed in it.

A wrong relationship has no good intention for you other than to steal from you, kill something in you, leaving you destroyed, useless, miserable, and battered in the long run if you don’t quit before it’s too late.

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