Most of us have heard about or have experienced first-hand falling in love. At least that’s what it is called in contemporary society. That giddy, butterflies in the stomach, rush of feelings we get when we meet someone we are powerfully attracted to. The truth is that this is not really love it’s just the body’s natural response to the neurochemicals that are being pumped into the brain when we meet someone that we find attractive. We prefer to call it “falling in like” or infatuation.
Another truth is that this response is not sustainable with the same person unless we are intentional about connecting positively on a daily basis. The powerful force that connects us at the beginning begins to wear off once we stop doing all the wonderful things we did at the beginning of the relationship and we have to negotiate the daily cares of life. Because we are wired (by God) to intimately connect with another human being, when the romantic feelings dissolve, we believe we have fallen out of love.
In my study, I discovered that new science is revealing how essential romantic love is to human beings. Sociologists and psychologists are also finding how this love works, why it goes wrong, and what couples can do to make it last longer. Their findings reveal that from ancient times, humans have had the need to connect with someone and this need provides trust, safety and security. Its opposite is isolation, which is coded in our brains as dangerous.
Furthermore, these findings on love reveal that a life partner is often our only or most reliable source of support, comfort, and intimacy. In this age of growing isolation and loneliness, even scientists agree that now more than ever, people need to be in “forever” committed relationships and evidence suggests that it is possible to sustain the romantic bonds for a lifetime.
Falling in love is one of the major causes of relationship breakdown.
When you fall in love, you can easily falling out of love. God employed us not to Fall in Love, but to Walk in love.
Paul says in Ephesians 5:2, “And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma”.
Walking is progressive, while falling is retrogressive. Falling in means “descending from a higher position to a lower”. When you walk in love, especially in the Agape love of God, you will emit a sweet-smelling aroma of love that last for a life time. God’s love is eternal, only when you see love through His eyes before you can experience true lasting love. When you fall in, it’s easy to fall out.
But when you walk in, it’s difficult to walk out. This is divine principle and that’s why we are told in several verses to walk in the light, walk as children of God, walk with God, walk in truth, walk by faith, walk in the Spirit, and walk in wisdom, etc.