One major illness killing marriages these days is Expectations. Spouses expect so much from their partners and their marriages that they don’t even appreciate what their partners do for them or do for the relationship.

This behaviour has made many spouses feel unappreciated in their relationship or marriage. The unappreciated spouses stop doing things for their partner when they find out.

Their partners see the things being done for them as their right or entitlement, they expected it of them so they see no need to show appreciation for it.

At the end of the day, unappreciated spouses see their partners as ungrateful and find it difficult to give or do things for someone who is not grateful. We need to know as humans that, what we don’t appreciate, we end up losing, it also means we don’t deserve it.

One reason why some partners cheat is that they are not appreciated in their relationship. The feeling they get from their relationship is that their partner does not really want them. They feel they are in the wrong relationship or company.

What people who do not appreciate their partners don’t know is that, if they appreciated their partner for even the little or least thing, their partner will do more than they expect from them. If you appreciate him for 1 dollar, he is pushed to give you 5 dollars next time.

Being married or in a relationship should not make you think your partner owes you certain favours or duties. Don’t forget they were not forced to be with you, they are with you willingly and because of how you treat them or how you make them feel or relate to them.

Don’t take anything that your partner does for you for granted, when you do that, you take your partner and the relationship for granted. Don’t let the day go by without appreciating the things your partner does for you or the relationship unless you don’t want them or the relationship.

If you don’t appreciate the ugly shoe he bought for you, he won’t be encouraged to buy you the most beautiful shoe. If you don’t appreciate her for the tasteless food, you won’t get the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal from her.

If you are in a relationship or marriage and your partner has stopped doing things for you or giving stuff to you, It might be because you didn’t acknowledge what they were doing for you. Instead of complaining that they have changed, remember the things they did for you which you didn’t appreciate and then appreciate them for that.

In conclusion “Love a pure heart and kind words, and the king will be your friend” – Proverbs 22:11 (ERV)

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