I know of a lady who is over 40 years of age but not yet married, because she has a repelling attitude. She can pray very well and even fast for days, but she is so rude, proud, and has a domineering spirit.

She has the GIFT of the spirit, but lacks the FRUIT of the spirit.

There are some brothers who have life threatening characters too. They are not suitable for marriage. Any sister who decides to marry them has signed a lifetime of pain and regrets.

I have met some Christian ladies believing in God for marital breakthrough; praying and fasting, going to prayer mountains, asking God for a husband, but their character is so bad that godly men are running away from them.

They are very rude, proud, stubborn, stingy, bitter, unforgiving, full of hatred, unfaithful, unapproachable, and insultive, yet they want a God-fearing man.

God can not be fooled my dear. Bad character is an enemy of marital breakthrough. Work on your character first, and stop troubling heaven.

There are lots of God-fearing men, but your character is chasing them away because no man wishes to marry a lady that will make his life a living hell on earth.

Are you emotionally matured? If You Must Have An Excellent Relationship, You Must Be Disciplined And Emotionally Stable!

Everything Controls Someone Who Cannot Control Himself!

Someone Without Self Control Is Like A Vehicle Without Steering! When You Enter Such A Relationship Vehicle You Know You Are Heading For A Crash!

If you can’t control your sex drive, you will become the number one enemy of your marital breakthrough.

One of the major causes of marital delay is PREMARITAL SEX. Sex before marriage places an embargo upon marital

Courtship is a time for interview, not

Any Relationship That is driven by unholy activities is not blessed. It Is Unscriptural To proof your love for a man by giving him sex before your wedding. Many Who Tried It End
Up In Shame And Regret. So Many singles have had their dreams, lives and marital destinies shattered due to premarital sex. Don’t Join Them! Premarital sex is not only a sin but also a CURSE!

A Sister Who Keeps Threatening To Kill Herself If You Fail To Marry Her Is Not A Stable Material For Wife! She may end up killing you and herself in marriage

A Sister Who Insults Her Own Parents, Pastors, And Brethren In The Church Will Do The Same To You And Your Parents When You Marry Her!

Beware Of A Brother Or A Sister Who Has No Single Friend Because Of His/Her Uncontrollable Anger! Someone Who Can’t Keep A Friend May Not Be Able To Keep A Marriage Partner For A Lifetime. No Marriage Can Survive Without Friendship.

The only thing that differentiates a happy marriage from an unhappy one is the ability to still find something exciting that you can do together as married couples.

A Sister Who Destroys The Side Mirror Of Your Car Because She Is Angry Will Destroy The Whole Car When You Marry Her!

A Brother Who Usually Shouts At You And Gives You A Holy Slap Will Beat Hell Out Of You In Marriage, And May Even Send You To Your Early Grave.

A Man Who Sleeps Around During Courtship Will Sleep With Your Housemaid, Friends And Neighbours! A Self Control Man Does Not Allow His Erection To Determine His Direction!

A Lady With No Self-Control Will Destroy The Family Budget By Her Unrestrained Spending! Many ladies Have Their Houses And Cars In Their Stomach Because They Cannot Control What Goes Into Their Mouths!

A Man Without Self Control Will Beat His Wife, And Even Defend Himself With The Scripture, And Give Testimonies In The Church For Beating Her Up!

A Woman Without Self Control Will Insult her in laws Or Beat them up!

As a Man, until you build godly character and know how to lead your beloved family, you are not fit for a glorious marriage, because Your Character Is Your Marriage!

Leadership simply means influence. Not only to lead, but to lead by love as Christ did. Therefore, a biblically-based husband should influence his family.

Husbands are not dictators, they should not demand, they should not abuse their wives, saying they are the heads and women must just follow. Instead, husbands should influence their wives and families in accordance with biblical teaching.

So sisters don’t just choose any kind of man to be your husband, but choose a man you will love and be happy under his leadership. You need a person who can lead you and your family, through love and vision.

Learn to be God fearing, prayerful, friendly, faithful, real, kind, trustworthy, humble, caring, polite, forgiving, considerate, patient, appreciating, generous, loving, open, and persevering.

Change your bad habits, and pray the fruit of the Spirit into your life.

May God give us the grace to build godly characters, in Jesus name.

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