The best relationship is when you are your partner’s mirror, be a reflection of what you want to see in them. Exbibit the kind of behaviour and attitude you want them to show you in the relationship. Be an example of what you expect in the relationship.
Unfortunately, today’s relationship or marriage is different. Spouses are not kind to their partner but expect their partners to be kind to them, spouses are not responsible and expect their partner to be responsible, spouses are not honest with their partner but expect their partner to be honest with them.
The mirror is one thing or item we all turn to when we want to see how we look. Mirrors always show us what we look like, mirrors never change who we are. It’s not our duty to change our partner but to show them how to become the best version of themselves.
Each time we look at ourselves in the mirror and don’t like how we look or what we are wearing or how we’ve worn our attire, we quicky make the needed changes and adjust to appear how we want to look. We trust the mirror because it does not lie to us.
In today’s relationship, many partners don’t trust each other and because of that, when one partner points out something a spouse needs to work on, their spouse fights or ignores them. This makes it difficult for some spouses to offer their partner a friendly advice. We need to trust and listen to our partner so they can help bring out the best in us.
There will always be someone who can’t see the worth of your partner, don’t be that person. You should believe in your partner, encourage them, pray for them. You should know the worth of the man or woman in your life, by so doing, you will love them always, for no one loves what they don’t value.
Each time you smile at your mirror, it smiles back at you. Each time you treat your partner better, they will treat you better. When you put smiles on their faces, they will put smiles on your face too.
When you hurt them, they will hurt you too, for a hurt person hurts others. If you make them cry, they will make you cry too. If you take them for granted, they will take you for granted too. Give to your partner what you want them to give back to you.
Mirrors don’t lie to us and that is why they remain our companion always. Many ladies, especially, carry a mirror everywhere they go. Don’t lie to your partner, for they will always carry you in their heart and mind, everywhere they go.
When you see your partner, do you love what you see in them? If you don’t like what you see in your partner, work with them to bring out the best in them. Be kind to them, be patient with them and above all, be a friend they can always come to, a friend they can always count on.
In conclusion, “A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses” – Proverbs 27:19 (TLB).