It’s good to marry early, the Bible is full of scriptures referring to “the wife of thy youth”, “the children of thy youth”.

Marrying early (EARLY here simply meaning marrying in thy Youth age) in Life is advantageous over Marrying Late,
Even at that, it may not be our fault that we end up marrying later than we envisaged, sometimes it’s beyond our control, but not in all cases, sometimes we are the ones who by our own actions prolong our single hood.

So I’ve complied Ten reasons why this is so.


I decided to start with this one because there are People who have decided not to get Married for personal decisions, and you don’t force Marriage on everyone.

So if you’ve taken this decision, you’d definitely be single at 40 and beyond that as well.
Have Fun

Except you don’t believe in the supernatural, my brethren, things are happening.

It’s the reason I feel for People who are not Prayerful,
some persons feel that there’s no need to pray when it comes to Marriage, after all Jeffrey that was a chronic womanizer back then in school got married early and has 3 kids already, forgetting that we all come from different families and face different backgrounds and battles.

Some ladies are too choosy and that’s their problem, all the Men God has sent their way, they have had issues with each one,
What do they now want?

He must be Tall, Dark and Handsome, romantic, have six packs, drive a venzar, Lexus, Prado, Mercedes Benz, be able to spend N500k in one sitting,
Naira loaded and tongue speaking godly yahoo boy.
Where will you see that combination in one Man? Wake up, that’s day dreaming.

When as a bachelor, you say the lady must have the combined body of Mercy Johnson, Ini Edo and Genevieve, must be smart like chimamanda, must be….

No wonder you are still single at 42.

Any one that God shows them, they don’t want

Jane? she talks too much,
What of Ruth? she’s too quiet
What of Oziegbe? she’s too local
What of Esther, she’s too black,
And you are now 39, we hail you Sir,
Grand Bachelor of the Order of the Niger (GBON)

Keep searching for the Perfect Spouse.

The younger one can not marry before the elder one and elder one is kuku having problems getting a partner

The Man must be ready to buy 500 tuber of yams, 3 sewing machines, 30 bags of rice, one suzuki motorcycle,…………………….. List goes on

It was that list that drove Segun, Paul, John away, you are now 30 and now that same list is still being presented to Abraham,

You must only marry from our village,
You must…….
You must not……..

Parents and Traditions have actually had a way of keeping many eligible Spinsters at home ageing away.


Some ladies, when they are 20, 23, 25, they will be doing “I’m still very young”, they will be jumping from Man to Man,
pursuing sugar Daddies that will never marry them, because the suitors are queueing up they feel it will be so forever,

Before they know it, they have nack 30,
Men start looking past them, the throng of suitors reduce, and by that time they will now become emergency Prayer Warriors, running from Winners to Redeemed looking for miracle Husband, attending crusades with amazing themes
“I must marry this year” “who took my husband?”

Same things for the guys,
Play boys,
Busy chasing small small girls, by the time you know it you have given yourself a bad Rep, no Relationship you enter lasts, you start finding it hard to keep a stable Relationship long enough to lead to Marriage.

What you sow you will reap, you can’t escape it.
Some ladies have broken homes and Marriages, while
Some guys have broken hearts, used girls and have countless abortions to their name,

Curses are flying over and around them from heart broken girls and boys from their past.

Some ladies are proud,
who are you to ask for their number as a Brother?
Who are you to greet them?

Some are snobbish, they will look down on you if you don’t have a car, forgetting that tomorrow is pregnant
Others have bad mouth, before you say one they’ve said fifty, if they decide to wash you down, you will understand that it was Eve that ate fruit and remain for Adam and not vice versa

The Guys who would have proposed have all run away out of fear and for their own safety.
Any Relationship they manage to enter doesn’t last more than one year before the guy runs for his life.

Some brothers nko,
pride too is doing them, no lady is good enough for them,
any girl they date they will chase her away with their lack of security and African Man attitude.

Dear Single, Work on your Character.


Defective People are People who date for fun, they are not after Marriage, they come for sex and to while away time, nothing else

Defective People are time wasters, they can date you for Ten years and then one day wake up and break up with you because you pressed toothpaste from the middle.

By the time you date one guy or girl like that for three years, the Relationship breaks down,
you enter another relationship, another two years goes down the drain,
Then you enter another one, let’s say one year,, please, how old are you self?
Are you immortal?
You are olding, but you don’t know.

Better relax and prayerfully look for ONE serious minded person to date who will end your singleness,
it’s not by quantity but by quality.


Some ladies,
fine son of God will be giving them signal they will be doing Shakara, very soon fine son of God will move on to a sister that is ready and cooperative, they will say “ordinary hard to get that i just did oh, he couldn’t even wait, he’s not serious” not knowing they are the one that is not serious.

Sisters, calm down,
“what shall it profit thee to do all the shakara in the whole World and lose thy suitors?”


Bachelors are usually most guilty of this,
“before I marry ehn, I must hustle, build house, buy car, become a millionaire then get married”

They will now have one sister who genuinely loves them, she will be begging him to come and pay her Bride Price, that she will manage with him, that things will get better, he will say No, he must buy car and build house first, when sister can no longer wait again, she will leave him.

Before you know it, they are 40 and still hustling, no car, no house, no spouse.

While Some ladies place career as their priority, (well that’s their personal choice) they thus ignore Relationship/Marriage business, by the time they finally arrive at their goals, they are now 42, Rich and Single and now desperately willing to Mingle.

You can get married first and then make your millions as a married Man
You can get married and chase your career as a Married Woman.

Pursue your personal goals, but don’t miss God’s time for you in the process out of stubborn will and personal set goals..

Dear Bachelor and Spinster, Yes, Be careful so in an attempt to marry early you do not marry Wrongly. However, be not deceived, “You can marry Early and Marry Well.”

PS: Do not let this post put you under any kind of pressure,
That is in no way the purpose of this post, but to show you mistakes to avoid as a single, that’s all.
Beyond getting married, the above Lifestyles even have other negative consequences just as well.

Next articleWhat the bible says about love making
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