1 Stop neglecting your wife’s family. Women value family. That’s why a women can stay in a marriage just for the sake of her children.
2) Stop imposing financial responsibilities on your wife because you are aware of her financial status. Let her contribution be voluntary.
3) Stop making key decisions without asking your wife’s opinion. Her opinion can save you from a big mess.
4) Stop exposing how insecure you are because of your wife’s progress. Showing off your inferiority complex can really annoy her.
5) Stop listening to your family & your friends more than you listen to your wife. You chose her because you saw virtue in her. You have better partner than her.
6) Stop being ungrateful to your wife when she is making so many efforts that deserve a simple “thank you”, but you are not telling her.
7) Stop comparing your wife to other women especially the ones you are cheating on her with.
8) Stop acting like she cannot live without you. She had a life before she met you & she can do it again.
9) Stop ignoring her repeated complaints. Work on yourself when she is bold enough to tell you what she doesn’t like.