Home Relationships 7 Signs that show your partner is likely cheating

7 Signs that show your partner is likely cheating


When you notice any of these signs in your premarital relationship, it could be a red flag, don’t wave it off.

1) His or her phone always on lock.
You don’t know his or her password and anytime you are together the phone is always locked up. He or she has given you a lot of sensible reasons why it is not right to go near each other’s phone and even when you do, their gallery is passworded, their Whatsapp, Messenger and every other app is passworded. Watch out, something is not right. You should not be suspicious of your partner’s phone neither should your partner make their phone a no go zone. That’s how it should be.

2) He or she is always restless whenever you are together.
Anytime you are together, your partner is never at ease—always fidgety. You say A and he or she is saying Z. You are together physically but his or her mind is muddled up in some secrecy. They might also hardly pick up their incoming calls and if they do, you only see them speak, you never hear them speak. Beware! He or she has a skeleton in the cupboard.

3) He or she always makes you feel inferior.
You are not intelligent enough. You have bad characters. You are not trying enough like your mates do to their partners. You are always the one at fault each time there’s misunderstanding between you and anybody (according to your partner). He or she always despises you in words and actions. Watch out! If all he or she does is to make you feel bad then it means you are not good enough for him/her and someone else somewhere does or will eventually do. The moment your partner makes it look as if they are doing you a favour by being with you, it is time to exit the relationship and move on.

4) He or she cannot stay away from ex(es).
Your partner knows plenty of good reasons why one must be close to their ex(es). Well, if you are okay with it, fine. If you are not and they always pick offence each time you raise an eyebrow about it then beware. When one is in a serious relationship, and one really values it, one has no business keeping a close relationship with an ex. No business at all! And if your partner has an unexplainable opposite sex as a friend(s)—your partner call it friendship but you really can’t make a sense of the so-called friendship then watch it. Something is fishy.

5) Lies! Lies! Lies!
If he or she can lie for Africa then you need no one to tell you who you are dealing with. Run! Anyone who lacks integrity is automatically a cheat. You should not go into marriage with such a person.

6) You hardly know the whereabouts of your partner.
If truly you and this person have something together then you should know the whereabouts of each other, I’m not talking of being obsessive but it is ideal to know the whereabouts of someone you are in a relationship with, but if it has constantly become an impossible task then something is not right somewhere.

7) Lack of Communication
The rate you communicate has dwindled drastically for no good reason. He or she is now always too busy for communication. Well, except in a case where a good reason is given, he or she is either fed up with you and want out of the relationship or he/she is already communicating with someone somewhere.

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