Admiring someone’s house and wanting to be a tenant in the house. If the house is not for rent, you cannot be a tenant. Even if you are invited to the house, you are just a guest and not the owner or occupant. You cannot decide which room to occupy, and how the room is to be decorated, etc.
You can fall in love with the house but you cannot force the owner to make you a tenant or occupant or co-owner. They do that if they wish to do so and even with that, they decide on which room to give to you, the rules, etc. A special room in the house is given to someone they see or consider special.
In the same way you cannot fight for a place (room) in someone’s life (house) because no matter how hard you try to keep your place in their life, they’ll put you where they want you to be, even if it’s not where you should be. The owner determines where you fit in depending how they feel about you.
I get worried when someone becomes obsessed with others in the name of “I love him or her”. And they go on to add, “I don’t want to lose him or her”. I sometimes ask people who says that, whether they can lose what is not theirs? You don’t own someone’s life or heart because you love them.
“Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble” – 1 Peter 3:8(MSG).