“How will I know I’ll enjoy it with them when married?” What if we’ll have no sexual chemistry?”
Society is now slowly normalising fornication, with the justification that you need to “test the ride before you buy”, incase you marry someone who won’t be able to satisfy and please you.
But if sex is your premise for desiring to marry that person, you’ll never be satisfied. Both men and women commit adultery every day, because lust is not an issue simply dealt with by sex, it needs God.
The purpose for marriage was never to feed our appetites of lust, but rather to perfect holiness.
But the irony of sex, is that though created to solidify love, fornication is actually what destroys relationships. Pre-marital sex is not the evidence of love, it only disgraces your future marriage.
There is no such thing as, “test drive before you buy”. This is simply a justification to fornicate.
If we all did it God’s way, there wouldn’t be anything to compare it to anyway, in order to be worried and be scared of the unknown.
Sex was created to strengthen the bond between husband and wife in marriage, not solve issues between boyfriends and girlfriends in a relationship.
Mishandled, sex not only destroys great potential marriages, but also destinies.
Its an uncontrollable flame which you cannot contain or control. That’s why the Bible says flee fornication, not try control it. You cannot tame the flame.
It was built to consume lovers who are bound by marital blessings, not for boyfriends and girlfriends in casual relationships.
“Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body” – 1 Corinthians 6:18.