There are days that being single is tiring. I won’t even shy away from it. If you’ve been truly single for a while, you’ll surely understand what I’m saying.
I don’t know about you, but there are days I wake up lonely, some days I wake up hot with a craving for sexual satisfaction, some days I just want to lean on someone, different days with different feelings.
If, as a single you’ve been experiencing these things, don’t panic, it’s normal. And let me say this, all of these things are not there to make you stumble and fall. They’re there to build you up.
You’ll be tempted, yes, but temptation is not sin. It’s only an invitation to sin, and you’re at liberty to say, “NO!”
Is it hard? You answer that by yourself because it’s hard for me, especially on certain days that I’m not at my optimum.
That’s the more reason why I want to talk about the beauty of singleness and the incredible journey of self-discovery and self-love that comes with it despite these challenges.
The most efficient and effective way to fly in the Kingdom is to wait, and that’s the foundation singleness gives you, among other things.
Self control can’t be thought effectively by theoretical means, you’ll have to effect it practically, you’ll be tempted a lot, but understand that it’s an opportunity for you to learn self control, plus it’s just a season that will soon pass away, so maximize it.
We often hear a lot about finding “the one”, you know that perfect person who will complete us and make our lives whole. People say that a lot, and it’s okay…
But here’s the thing, singleness is not just a waiting period until we find that special someone. It’s actually a season of growth, purpose, and possibility. How do I mean?
It’s a season to focus on ourselves and strengthen our relationship with the one who created us. There’s a void in man that only the size of God can fill it up, so this is the time to allow God to fill you up.
First things first, as a single, you should be sold out to God and the interest of His kingdom. This is how you’ll minimize the tendency to give in to sin. I’m telling you what has kept me practically by God’s grace.
Secondly, let go of the idea that being single means something is wrong with you. It’s not a curse to be single. You’re okay!
Embrace your singleness as a gift and an opportunity for personal growth. Waiting is not wasting. When it’s time, you’ll be amazed at the speed of events in your life.
Can I be frank with you?
The best gift you can give to that special person you’re waiting for is your personal development, whether you prepare for the next 5 years of your life or not, like the last 5 years of your life, it will come and go.
Prepare to be a blessing to them, focus on mastering the basics, and the fundamentals that really count in marriage.
Take this time to rediscover who you are, to pursue your passions, and to nurture the unique gifts and talents that God has placed within you instead of complaining and murmuring at the same spot, invest in yourself.
Yes, it’s okay to desire a romantic relationship, but it’s equally important to remember that you are a complete, whole, and beautiful individual right now, in this moment.
Find contentment and joy in your own company, and let go of the pressure to measure your worth by your relationship status.
You are worthy of love and happiness, with or without a partner by your side. Choose to be happy because happiness is a choice.
And here’s the secret, true fulfilment in any relationship, whether single or partnered, starts with a deep and genuine love for ourselves.
Nobody should love you more than yourself aside God. most people don’t like themselves. You can see it in the way they treat themselves, and it’s a shameful thing.
Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you have a unique purpose in this world. You’re not a joke or mistake.
Use this season of singleness to explore your passions, pursue your dreams, and make a positive impact on the lives of those around you. Be a blessing indeed.
You are never alone on this journey. The person you’re looking for is also looking for you. Don’t give up and settle for less.
Devil, go try to whine with temptations o, but don’t panic, maintain your composure, because God is making all things beautiful in His time for you.
We’re in this together, and I’m rooting for you! 🙌💕
Marriage is beautiful when you marry correctly, and that’s my prayer for you. Na who give up loose. No try am, yours must work!
This is just a counsel, and you can do with it as you please 🙏🏾