Few days ago when I wrote on this same topic addressing the men, many wanted to read about the women also. So I am pleased to bring to you the episode dedicated to women. This is a lengthy article, but please accept my apologies in advance. Lol!
Without being partial or taking sides with a particular gender, I must say that in this part of the world, most times our men are the real problems of the marriage because most times many of them leave everything about their homes to their wives to handle. If I counsel 300 persons in month, only 7 to 10 are men. In most cases, our women are usually left to bear the brunt, to be at the receiving end. I pray this sad circle changes soon.
However, this is not to say that many of our women aren’t a piece of work in marriages. Many are sometimes what I call the “BEAUTIFUL SATAN”. But thank God we also have the ” BEAUTIFUL ANGELS”. Now ladies let’s see what it means to truly love one’s husband:
A wife who truly loves her husband will care about his wellbeing, spiritually, emotionally, financially, sexually and mentally.
All men feel fulfilled being respected by their wives. A wife who finds it difficult to respect or submit to the headship of her husband is a turn off to him. Men like being treated like Kings and not like competitors or opponents in marriage.
A wife who truly loves her husband will understand him. She must understand his temperament and moods. She must also understand when he is financially buoyant and when he is not.
Untiring support:
A wife who truly loves her husband will support him all the days of her life. Support and encourage him to pursue his dreams and fulfill destiny.
No habitual, chronic and excessive nagging:
There is no woman who doesn’t at one point in time nag in her marriage. However, that mustn’t be a habitual, chronic or excessive one because men dislike nagging like a plague.
Respect for his family:
A wife who truly loves her husband will embrace and accommodate his family. Some wives hate their spouse’s family without a just cause.
Commitment to her marriage:
A wife who truly loves her husband will commit her all to making their marriage work.
Upholding of the marital vows:
Everyone is tempted sexually, but a wife who truly loves her husband will never give in to extramarital sex. Never!
No spouses’ comparison:
A wife who truly loves her husband will never compare him with her friends’ husbands.
A wife who truly loves her husband will be fully contented with her husband. She will be happy with who he is, what he has and what he can afford for her.
Peace of mind:
Some wives are highly notorious in their marriages. Many are highly troublesome and quarrelsome at home. The lack of peace of mind at home is a reason why some husbands come home late after work or business. Please give him peace of mind.
Complete trust:
Even when there are no issues to worry about, some wives are overly jealous, over-protective and over-possessive. No good husband likes to be monitored or suspected just like that.
No secrecy:
A wife who truly loves her husband will not keep secrets from him. It’s completely wrong for a wife to embark on a serious project (e.g: house, business, etc) and won’t inform her husband. Even if it’s your own money or investment he should still be informed about it.
When the chips are low for him:
I really don’t understand why on earth a husband will start losing his respect at home simply because he lost his job, investment or is experiencing ill health. Trying moments for a husband are the best moments to prove one’s respect to him and not the other way round.
Prompt forgiveness after marital conflicts:
A wife who truly loves her husband will forgive him promptly after a marital conflict. Please no keeping of malice.
Easy submission:
Each time I hear people say when a man truly submits to the headship of Christ or when he truly loves his wife, she will submit naturally. That’s not completely true in all marriages. Some women are domineering, high minded, boastful, arrogant and proud. Such women never submits easily or at all to their husbands. Some even tell their friends that they can’t be under a man. If you can’t submit, why then did you marry? These days, as more and more women are getting financially empowered, many of them have turned their homes into a warzone and a competition field. Imagine a wife telling her husband “since I am bringing something also to the table I can’t submit to you anymore.” What??? Hey ladies, submission is not connected to who brings something to the table or doesn’t. The man’s headship is a divine selection and you must never wrestle your husband’s headship with him.
You see, now tell me which wife will exhibit these attributes and will not be “worshiped” by her husband. If a husband after experiencing such in his marriage is highly frustrating to you as a wife, then he might need some psychiatric test or spiritual deliverance, believe me. Many thanks for reading, commenting, liking and sharing.