Telling someone you love them does not really mean you truly love them. Same way giving someone money and gifts does not mean love. Sometimes people want to buy or get a need from you so they do it through giving you money and gifts just to influence you or in a bid get their needs from you. Such people are always in an expectant mood. Whatever they do for you is like an investment they have to earn profit on.
Love has never been about what you are getting from someone but what you are willing to give to someone out of your willing heart. I have issues with boys who want sex from ladies and think the best way to do that is to tell them “I love you” or give them money and gift without exposing their hidden agenda or motive.
You claim you love her, you want to be with her, so you give your money, gift, time because of the love you have for them. Why force them to do same or give you something else in return for your love?
Who says love has terms and conditions? If giving me money and gifts should compel me to have sex with you then it’s not love so don’t tell me you love me. And don’t also tell me in the face I don’t love you. It is very true I don’t love you, that’s why I didn’t come to your direction in the first place to profess love.
For the guys who tell ladies “I love you and want her to respond “I love you too” are not serious. Those who lack understanding of the statement “I love you” need to read this message or article.
The guys who save your name on their phone as “sweetheart, babe, chocolate, honey, etc” and force you to do same or complain you have not saved their names as such, but that you have saved their names just as you first met them or had their contact, don’t understand what love is.
They are either forcing you to love them or fake that you love them. Don’t let anyone force you to pretend to love them when deep within you, you don’t feel same for them. Love is real and anyone who loves you should appreciate you for being real, than creating drama out of that.
Same for those who use your pictures for their Display Picture (DP) and their Status on various social media and force you to do same for them, are forcing you to pretend you love them. People who claim they love you should understand love is selfless. They need to know love is not a business or sales, where you get what you pay for. In love, you don’t get what you pay for.
Don’t let anyone force you to introduce them to your family and friends, or address you as their lover or make you change your Facebook Relationship Status to be in love with them because they love you or make you accept their love. They should rather allow you time for you to naturally grow such love or the same feeling towards them.
If they are not patient enough to allow you to express yourself, your true feelings and intention then it is not love. It’s not their job to determine when and how you fall in love with them or feel what you feel for them.
They should leave that to God and yourself. If they don’t have the patience to wait then they don’t have love for you. And stop forcing yourself to return feelings or love for someone because they are good towards you.
Nobody can force you or prevent you from expressing your love or feelings towards them when the time is right. Let no one help you fake love for such fake love leads to fake marriage in the future.
In conclusion, “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 (ESV).