Yes! You can be pregnant without marriage.
It’s possible!
1) Be pregnant with knowledge:
One thing that surprised me most time is the ignorance in some sisters about relationship and marriage yet they jump into a man’s life as a wife. Be filled with knowledge. If all you know is “I can cook” “I can wash clothes” and you want to be a great man’s wife, sorry! You’re joking.
2) Be pregnant with values and virtues: Sorry o! Some sisters are barren of virtues. All what some sisters have are skimpy dresses, arrogance, indiscipline and intolerance.
Be virtuous! Being virtuous includes godly character, submission, intellectuality and shamefacedness. No man wants a lady that’s empty of enterprising ideas, skills and talents.
3) Be pregnant with God’s presence and the anointing:
The supernatural is not only for the brothers. Let your womb host anointing and fire not fibroid. Dorcas did it! Kathryn Khulman did it! Esther did it! Deborah did it!
You can host God! You can become Mrs Holy Spirit before entering your matrimonial home. Okay!
If you are pregnant with these 3, you will surely attract a godly man who will help you fulfill God’s purpose for your life
May the Lord give you this grace to be pregnant with virtues in Jesus name