Many at times people just confuse these two words and end up with disappointment. People can be close to you, share the same space with you, get intimate with you but that does not mean they want to commit to you or have a long term or lasting relationship with you.

Unfortunately, many people are of the view that once you are close, it indicates that you like them, or when you get physical with them, it means you want to marry them. Sex is not marriage; kissing is not a marriage proposal or sign for a long-term relationship.

This is not to say I am encouraging people to get intimate with anyone but I want people to be clear and specific on what they want and not to mistaken one for the other. People who are not looking for commitment will find it difficult to be faithful to you, or get married to you.

There are lots of single parents blaming their Ex-partners for leaving them for another person or not getting married to them. There are some single ladies who are bitter because a married man could not leave their wives for them after being intimate with him.

Some people are struggling with their lives, they don’t know who they are or are not stable; not knowing what they want in life. They don’t know their destination so you cannot travel on a marital journey with them. Such a person can have sex with you and won’t commit to you.

To the young ones in school, those learning a vocation or starting life, thinking the first person they have sex with is going to be their spouse, such a dream can become a nightmare. At that stage in life, either you or your partner are still figuring things out, where you want to be in life. They have no time for commitment so some promises made at such time cannot be honored.

Find a relationship that works for you. If you want a commitment, go for someone who is ready and willing to commit. Don’t get intimate or close to anyone and think you can force the person to be committed to you, to be responsible, faithful or marry you. Not even marriage, pregnancy or a child can force such a person to be committed to you.

In conclusion, “Everything is permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything [and brought under its power, allowing it to control me].” – 1 Corinthians 6:12 (AMP).

Next article10 signs the woman in your life is extremely special
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