“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. “Matthew 7:25
The marriage must be firm founded upon the rock of the word of God and love.
To establish a good marriage for longevity, you must intentionally lay the foundation.
Marital foundations are laid in two ways, first one is to prepare oneself for the marriage, and the second is to invest in pre – marital relationship that is healthy and godly enough to attract the blessings of God in the marriage.
This can be done during dating or courtship, when the two discover their interests ,likes and dislikes and anything that will be done habitually during their life long marriage. This can only be effective if the first face of preparation of oneself is accomplished.
In preparing oneself for marriage, a person has to understand what marriage is all about, then discover yourself ; your character traits,and habits that might help or endanger marital relationship and work on it.
Also know who you are in terms of carrier ,such as lawyer, doctor, nurse, business person ,politician ,pastor, and so forth.
A life partner may help shape ,mould and build up your profession or demolish ,tarnish and destroy it altogether. So for compatibility sake, know who you are, before you can know who your spouse should be.
You can marry someone and help change his or professional status, but you cannot change a person’s character if he or she is not willing for the Change .
That is the more reason you build a foundation of getting acquainted with the person before settling down to marriage.
First, know the character of the person, second know the potential profession of the one you intend to marry. Thirdly, you have to be able to discern the way that person sees marriage ; that is to say how he or she thinks marriage is all about marriage.
Some guys think that marriage is all about sex, some ladies think that marriage is all about money, the man giving her money and providing for her need. Some men see wives as their children’s mother, house wife. Some ladies see marriage as a way of getting properties from the husband.
The way a person sees marriage, is his or her perspective on the future of the marriage. This becomes the expectation and the lifespan of the marriage. That is why knowing your spouse is one of the foundations.