Be attracted to MATURITY and not AGE, you could be old and still act as a kid.
Be attracted to ACTIONS not WORDS, people can pass theory in school but fail the practical.
Be attracted to a BEAUTIFUL heart and not CHARMING looks. “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” – Proverbs 31:30 (MEV).
Be attracted to INTELLIGENCE not EDUCATION. You can get married to first class degree who is clueless about life and marriage.
Be attracted to SERVICE and not FEELINGS, no matter how strong you feel for someone, when they refuse to serve you, you get hurt.
What you attract has the power to INFLUENCE you. What you attract has the power to CHANGE you. What you attract DEFINES you. If you want the right relationship, be right and attract the right person
You can’t meet the right spouse with a wrong attitude or a wrong mindset. That is why we take time to help you get rid of any wrong attitude and mindset before matching you to a potential spouse.