Marriage involves preparation and capacity, who you marry has to do with how prepared you are and also depending on who he is, you must develop capacity for the man you are getting married married because if you don’t develop capacity, you will end up frustrating the grace and will of God for his life.
Esther was not beautiful more than the one hundred and twenty four virgins from the one hundred and twenty province who came to prepare themselves for the one night with the king, one year preparation for one night with the king, yet she still find favour in the sight of the king.
We want to marry, yet we are unprepared, many of us don’t even know why they want to marry, we just want to marry for no reason.
The bible says he that finds a wife, not he that finds a beautiful girl or woman but that finds a wife. Try to find out what it means to be a wife , there are things that qualities you to be a wife, find out those things and work towards it and I assure you that you will attract the right person.
Mother’s teach your daughters how to cook, how to clean because if they cannot take care of themselves, how can they take care of others.
My dear develop your capacity so that the man you will marry, will need you in his life, so that he won’t do anything without you in his life because you mean so much to him.