You don’t have to be ready before you start preparing for marriage, in fact you don’t need to be in any relationship before you start preparing for marriage. START NOW! As a lady, start cultivating the character of a virtuous woman, start learning how to be submissive to your dad, elders and authorities because you’ll need to submit to you husband, start learning how to wake up early(a good wife is a early riser), start learning how to multi task and how to prepare different kind of food, learn how to carry babies and play with them (you may not have babies now but you can learn with your sisters’ neighbors’ etc.)
Learn how to make a man happy, read books about men and what they want. These are what make a wife not the wedding ring. Remember the bible says “he who finds wife… Proverb 18:22” not he who finds a lady or woman. What every man is looking for is a wife and wives are made from their mothers’ house not in a man’s house. So learn and prepare for that man that will find you.
As a man, you also need to prepare and learn. Learn how to be a good husband/father, learn how to be a good leader. No woman wants a ruler for a husband but a leader. Learn how to make a woman happy, learn how to give (husbands are givers, they are not stingy), learn how to save and learn how to raise godly kids. Learn how to have multiple streams of income (when you get married, u will need more than a source of income to cater for your family).
Cultivate a close relationship with God now and learn how to hear from God(God always speak to the head/leader what he wants to do. “And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;” Genesis 18:17).
Finally, allow God to prepare you. God always want to prepare us for what He’s prepared for us. Maintain a close relationship with God and let him mould you as clay in the potter’s hand. Never rush out of the divine making process of God.