Home Motivational Facts Pursuing Money Will Never Make You Wealthy

Pursuing Money Will Never Make You Wealthy


Success is not something you pursue, success is a matter of becoming a person of value. We should not be pursuing money, we should pursue purpose, vision for ourselves, for our country and our community.

I always say there are three types of people in the world, which is the poor people, the rich people and the wealthy people.
*Poor people talk about money all the time..
*Rich people talk about fames..
*Wealthy people talk about ideas..

Ideas controls the world, not money. And ideas attract money. I think if we minimise the desire to get money and elevate the creativity of new ideas, you will find out that financial result will naturally follow.

*Bill Gates did not pursue money, he pursued an idea..
*Steve Jobs never ran after money, he developed an idea.

If you think of all the wealthy people in the world, it’s an idea that make them wealthy, not money… By Dr. Myles Munroe

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