1) DARING YOUR HUSBAND TO BEAT YOU: You block the doorway, then dare him to beat you up and see what will happen. A Lot of women have done this and end up regretting it.
2) DARING YOUR HUSBAND TO SLEEP WITH ANOTHER WOMAN: You will be making a major mistake if you dare your husband to sleep with another woman. You may live to regret it.
“I am married I can relax, after all, who is looking at me.?” He married you Slim, sexy and trendy. Next thing you become obsessed, dirty and shabbily dressed.
It is the mistake of most careless married women.
4) DENYING YOUR HUSBAND SEX REGULARLY: You are a career woman; You are an overly religious woman… Hmmm! You feel sex in marriage is secondary, you deny your husband your body regularly, so he is sexually starved and intimacy famished. His Secretary, colleagues, and girls in the church are seducing and begging him to come to them but you have padlocked your Jerusalem and expect him not to lust after others. His mind will drift from you towards them.
“My dear friend, please be my eye as I travel for this one week, help cater for my husband and my little kids”. By the time you are back, your dear a friend has so really helped you by sleeping with your husband and expecting a new baby as a continuation from where you stopped.
If at all she has not eloped with your man, leaving your children all alone.
It is very stupid to commit your husband into the hands of your beautiful and very active friend.
6) LEAVING YOUR HUSBAND IN THE HANDS OF YOUR HOUSEMAID: Your maid is the one that cooks, cleans the house, cares for the children and your husband. You suddenly become a lazy bone since the arrival of the maid. All you do is shout and place orders. Not bad! But if your husband feels more love and care from the maid, sister that maid won’t struggle to snatch your husband. You are the one graciously giving him to her and those that need him.
7) EMPLOYING A FULLY GROWN, RED-BLOODED LADY AS A MAID: She is fully grown up and well endowed back and front very tantalizing. She dresses skimpily and sexily like an actress, catwalks like a model and that is your own housemaid?
What a mistake!
8) EMPLOYING A HOUSE GIRL THAT IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU: Employing a house girl more beautiful than you is a major technical mistake most women make. This means you are using your money to employ a rival for yourself. Don’t be foolish when getting a maid. They act dumb like maids to you for the time being but when your husband starts sleeping with them, you will be shocked they are more agile than you when they start fighting you.
9) USING ANALOG BRAIN TO LIVE WITH A DIGITAL HUSBAND: Your husband is growing with ideas and all; you contribute nothing other than sitting down at home to eat. He is dressing like a guy with jeans and a face cap; you are celebrating the fact that you are a married woman to a Yuppy cute man. Your husband is on Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype, etc; the only thing you know about a mobile phone is receiving and making calls. Your husband is talking about the stock market; you only talk about the tomato market. He’s talking about Forex; you are talking about fruit and vegetables only. He will see you so backward, local, and dumb. Upgrade please!
10) FAILING TO COMMIT YOUR FAMILY INTO THE HANDS OF GOD: A wife won’t do well if she fails to commit her family into the hands of God regularly. Don’t make such mistakes of thinking you are in charge of your husband and marriage and you can handle things. Be prayerful, hand over your family to God daily. May you never labor in vain and another reaps where you have sown!