A healthy relationship is one in which both people involved accepts each other. You need to Know that you are loved and accepted by your partner. Once a person claim he loves you, he/she must be able to accept you the way you are no matter how others feel about you.

The bible says “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). God showed He loved us by accepting us even when we were yet to be who He wanted us to be, when we weren’t doing what He likes but He still accepted us and gave us His son. It is this knowledge of our acceptance that made us to love and accept Him as our Lord and saviour.

We love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). In relationship/marriage, you must be able to accept your fiancé/fiancée or spouse the way he/she is. His/her knowledge of your acceptance can still make him/her be who you want but you must first accept him/her. True Love accepts/bear all things 1Cor 13:7.

One of the ways to know if you are accepted is what the person says when you are around him/her, If he/she is always comparing you with people and always wishing you were like somebody else and doesn’t appreciate you for who you are, you must know that you are not accepted by that person and if care is not taken, he/she may leave you for somebody else.

To enjoy your relationship and be happy, you need to accept your partner and make him/her know he/she is accepted by saying it through your praises and compliments. Try to make your partner feel accepted and also try to check if you are accepted in your relationship or if you accept the man/lady you are in relationship with.

If yes, keep it up but if No, try and work things out by discussing what Ive just shared with you with him/her so that he/she can know this truth. Acceptance doesn’t mean you won’t help your partner or he/she won’t help or correct you when you are wrong or won’t make you better by telling you to change some of the bad or negative things he/she has noticed about you but he/she must do it in love and not by comparing you.

Just like God accepts us the way we are, He doesn’t leave us the way we are. Our union with God makes our life better. A healthy relationship should make your life better too.

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