Have you been forced to be in a relationship with someone before, knowing deep within you are not interested, ready or prepared, and yet your supposed partner puts pressure on you to accept them and learn to love them?

Well if you have, then a big sorry to you. Soon you will be forced to return their “I miss you”, “I love you”, “I am thinking of you”, etc. Soon they will try exercising control over you because they feel insecure, and make you feel as though you don’t know what is good for you but they know better.

They force you to return their calls when you know there is nothing to talk about. As far as you give in to such demands, you have to act as if you are in love, you pretend just to see them happy at the expense of yours. Soon you will forget who you used to be; you don’t know yourself anymore; you get mad, frustrated and confused.

The truth is, such people never loved you, they were just selfish. They only thought of their happiness, not yours. If being in a relationship with them will cause you pains, they don’t mind as far as it makes them happy.

To love someone doesn’t mean forcing them to do things your way to please you. Love people the way they want to be loved, which includes letting them be if they don’t feel what you feel. It doesn’t matter how strongly you feel or how best you see them to be a perfect spouse unless they are ready.

It’s fine to fight for someone who loves you but it’s a total waste of time to fight for someone to love you. There is a huge difference. Save your heart and feelings for someone who feels same for you. Someone who sees what you see in them.

Don’t force anyone to accept you. The bitter truth is, if you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection; for it feels like rejection when your feelings are not returned, when you are ignored.

Bear in mind not everyone you are attracted to is ready to grow old with you or willing to build with you. They might just be a crush and not a soul partner. So be picky with who you invest your time, emotion and effort in; wasted time is worse than wasted money.

Don’t fall in love too deeply until you are sure you are both on the same page, until you are sure the person loves you with the same depth; for the depth of your love today is the depth of your wound tomorrow. One of the worst feelings anyone can have is missing someone who doesn’t miss you in return.

Knowing how painful a ‘by force’ love can be, why will you settle and be with someone who says “I don’t love you”, when you know you can have someone who says “you are all that I want”? Look, with the right person you don’t have to force, beg or put pressure on them, for they see what you see; you just click, effortlessly.

In conclusion “Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don’t force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 (TLB).

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