A couple of people still find it difficult to accept why you should not be friends with your Ex. Its fine to disagree, everyone has an opinion but the fact remains one. Permit me to educate you more on this. Some people have argued that the reason why they can be friends with their Ex is because of their state of maturity; that they are able to set limits and parameters, able to set rules and boundaries. I wonder if they have control over their emotions too?
If they do, what about their Ex’s feelings? No matter how disciplined or careful you are, you will most definitely lose your senses and balance when you get drunk. A drink has made people sleep in the gutter and act in certain ways they wouldnt have acted if not under the influence of alcohol; making them take decisions they have regretted.
Falling in love is similar to getting drunk; you lost your sense of control and were drunk with feelings; what if you ended the relationship but unknown to you, your Ex still holds on to some feelings, in the hope of getting you back; hearing their voice only once has the power to bring old flames back to life; one look has the power to make you look shy like a kid who doesn’t know what to do; one touch has the power to make you fall like a demon under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Feelings and lust don’t respect anyone; not your degree, structure or social standing; there are big people in history who have fallen because they allowed feelings in for just a while. If you are not ready to let go, there is no need disturbing another person. But if you have the courage to let go, then safeguard what you have now and protect your blessing.
Even God had to use Cherubim and a flaming sword to block Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life for their own good. The bible warns us in 2 Timothy 2:22a (NLT) “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts”.