“I want a job”, “I need to settle down”; “I want a child”, “I need a car”; “Oh I want a partner”, “I am getting old” and so on are various remarks people make when they’re in dire need of a thing. I agree that all these are necessary at some stages of life and also desirable but there is something you need to help you through your wants. God is interested in everything that concerns you but He is more interested in your Spirit which needs to be equipped and how can it be equipped?
It is by the Word of God. You need God’s word to achieve your wants. God will not give you only money, partner, children, He wants to give you the Word of God in your Spirit because when you have this, all other things will be easier. If the world could be formed by His Word, then your life can be transformed through His word. Joshua 1:8 explains it all,
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”. How much of the Word of God do you have in your Spirit? I have a word for you this afternoon, quit being sorrowful about your unfulfilled wants and give room for the Word of God in your Spirit and it will make you what He wants.
You need to find and use many ways and means to let the word of God dwell richly in you; reading it, praying it, singing it, meditating on it, memorizing it, and many other ways can be used to allow the word of God to settle in your life. I pray you will develop up a habit of getting into the word of God in a living way so that the words in the Bible would become living to you, ministering life to your inner being.
When you allow His word in you, it will speak for you even where you cannot reach, shine on you, nourish, water, supply, edify, and perfect you. The word of God can become part of your inward being, see it as your constitution! Be more interested in the Word of God than in the work of God (miracles).