The union between man and woman is full of storms. There is no way you will marry and not face certain challenges. This may come from external or internal sources. Dealing with and passing through these challenges to the top is what makes a marriage beautiful and successful.
This is why your marriage must have three strands, which will be so difficult to break.
See how the holy book puts it:
(Ecclesiastes 4:12)
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.
When one (single), he or she can be easily overpowered.
When two partners are together, they can defend themselves.
But when partners are three( 3), this is when it’s so hard to be overcome by the storms and challenges that comes your way. And the third person is God.
Just like scissors, one handle is the husband, and the other handle is the wife. And the screw (pin) in the middle, holding the handles together, is God. And this makes it easier for partners to cut through every challenge or storm that comes between them.
A cord or rope of three strands can’t be easily broken. You always need God to cut through the challenges. Partners your spiritual life matters