This topic concerns the ladies more. A man may get married at 50 and still have a great married life. But on the other hand, at 50, a lady who is still single is already a miracle candidate. The biological clock of womanhood is already running out on her.
I want to talk to the single ladies in the house about this challenge – how to deal with late marriage – how to marry on time. Good.

1) Think Marriage Early Enough: Most single ladies play way too much. They want to have a lot of fun, play around a little before they start thinking marriage. They are always thinking that it is too early for them to think marriage. They may even turn down a lot of suitors coming to ask for their hand in marriage in their early 20s claiming that it is too early to get married now.
Parents and guardians have a big role to play here. You need to talk to your daughters about the benefits of earlier marriage.
Get them prepared for the journey on time. Get them books to read on the subject of marriage and help them understand that girls are different from boys. Whereas a guy may finally decide to settle down at 40, for a lady 40 it is already getting very late.
Talk to your girls. Give them some basic orientation. Don’t wait until they are above 35 and then you start mounting pressure on them.

2) prepare for Life and for Marriage: My daughter, give yourself to personal development. A lot of girls out there are mentally broke. They have nothing more to offer other than sex. Don’t be like them. Go and get a career. Go to school. Learn a skill. Make yourself useful and relevant. Become a better you. Prepare for life and for marriage on time. This point is so important because it will help you to choose correctly from the many suitors that will be applying to marry you. When you know what you want and where you’re headed, it will be easier to know the man that will best help you fulfill your destiny. But many girls who are so choosy don’t even know what they really want. And they are judging these men based on their now. But a prepared lady has trained the eyes of her mind to look at a man and see his future. And they are not afraid to say Yes to him now knowing that his tomorrow will be greater than his today and that she will be an asset to him and not a liability.

3) Date Responsibly: One major way a lot single ladies waste their precious time and set themselves up for late marriage, unknown to them, is by dating irresponsibly.
Your biological clock is always ticking. Stop playing around as though you’ve got all the time in the world for so much drama.
Don’t date with your heart. Start with your head. Your heart does not think. It is emotional and most irrational. Stop being all emotional about him. It’s not yet a marriage – it’s only a relationship that may or may not work out. Your loyalty must be within limits. That your dating Mr. A shouldn’t make you say No to Mr. B who is asking you out. Give him a chance and hear him out.
To date responsibly also means to keep sex out of the equation. Sex has a way of further confusing you so that you can’t think straight. Date responsibly.
If you waste your time dating unwisely, then you have a breakup, then you take out some time to heal – say, one year, then you give another guy a chance, and it takes another 4 years or so and then it ends in tears, if you put all that together, your biological clock would have been saying, “Time up!” Date wisely.

4) Be Prayerful As Well: Sometimes there are strange powers stopping people to marry. By prayer and holy living you can undo such bonds of wickedness. Pray without ceasing. Pray in faith not in fear. It is also OK to have your pastor or spiritual leader pray for you about this.

5) Watch Your Attitude: Jesus told us to watch and pray. Sometimes it is not the demons from hell that are stopping you from getting married, but your own uncultured attitudes.
Watch and pray. Are you harsh to people and easily angry? How friendly are you with people? Are you easy to walk with or are you so unforgiving? Are you so demanding and hardly satisfied? Are you ungrateful and always holding a grudge? Are you so mentally lazy that you don’t read or engage in activities that will make you better, but all you do is watch movies and tell stories. Remember that you deserve to be married on time and to have a lovely family. Raise beautiful children and be a blessing to them. Many blessings.

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