When a guy proposes to you and you are not interested, kindly save him some agony by declining politely. Rejection hurts.
Don’t roll your eyes, assess him from head to toe and hiss! Jeeeesus! That hurts! That will kill a man’s ego. Don’t do it, please…
Make it easy for him to save his face by appreciating him for finding you worthy of his love but you are sorry, you are not interested.
That may hurt him if he didn’t prepare for your NO but it is far better than insulting or disgracing him.
If he continues to pester you, firmly tell him your NO means NO and you will appreciate it if he doesn’t disturb you anymore. Then set strict boundaries.
If he wouldn’t respect your NO, then he is a toxic person and should be firmly resisted. Stop picking his calls and block him on all social media contacts.
If he still disturbs you, uses threats and it is destabilising you physically, emotionally, mentally, you may need to report him to the police and let them give him a restraining order.
Or you may want to go spiritual and pray him out of your life.
Don’t tolerate abusive, nassistic behaviour.
Be respectful towards people especially your toasters.
That is the core of this message.
Respect men in general. Honour all people but don’t tolerate abusive behaviours.
I hope I am well understood?
God bless you. Cheers!