Who wouldn’t stay with you after knowing your good side? Even your enemy will pretend to be a friend not because they truly want to be but because of what they can get from you. One of the mistakes young people make going into marriage is that they don’t tell their spouse-to-be their bad side.
For everyone, what defines them is their character, and the truest form of test for one’s character is not how they are on their best day, but how they act on their worst days.
Unfortunately in this business of dating or studying one for marriage, people tend to show their partners their good sides and reserve their bad side at home for them till when they are married.
During dating, they put on their best clothes, expensive perfumes, best appurtenance, best impression. Many people mistake these things for love only to get into marriage and discover they married the person they didn’t pray for.
Many people put out their best foot which attracts enemies, and finally get home only to find out that what they took home as a spouse was not love.
Besides prayerful consideration, one of the best ways to find out who truly loves you is by telling them about your worst side and see if they will still stay or leave. Stop telling people your good side to make them stay with you.
Yes, those things might not be the very things you are proud of, but that is why you have a responsibility to work on yourself. Many at times instead of repairing the parts of our lives we are not proud of, we end up repeating them.
The things you do in your private space, the very things you do in secret are what defines you. Be bold to tell the man or woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, that now. If they love you, they won’t leave you but will help, encourage, work with you and pray for you to become a better person. They do that because they truly love you.
If you decide not to let them know, so you trap them in staying with you in the name of marriage, be rest assured they will find out one day on their own, and you won’t like their reaction. That is the day you get to know you married an enemy and not a lover as you thought. That might be the end of the marriage.
What makes marriage the most beautiful and safest relationship on earth is because of these four words; honesty, truth, respect and love. Don’t embark on your marital journey without them. In the test of letting your spouse know the truth about you, it also shows how honest you are.
It will help you find whether they truly love you. And if they truly do, they will respect and accept your worst part while they work with you as a life partner to become a better version of yourself.
Remember, the one who deserves your best in life is the only one who can handle the worst part of your life. This is the reason why we give our parents the best because they handled our worst when we were growing up.
If that beautiful woman or handsome man leaves or changes towards you after knowing your worst side, don’t get angry, instead smile because they don’t deserve you. You have no future with them.
In conclusion, “But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8 (AMP).