People put up shows just to win the heart or get the attention of the one they want to be in a relationship with. This act of putting up a show, forces others to borrow things just to impress. Acting the role of a good man or woman in the relationship yet such relationships don’t travel far, leaving pain, trauma and heart breaks.
You don’t need to pretend to be someone else just to win the heart of another person. When you do that, you are just faking your personality. You can’t pretend for long. You will be caught at the time you least expect.
The best way to win the heart of the one you love or want to be with is to be honest to them. It is to be who you are and do you. It’s not about getting them expensive gifts or telling them the biggest lies but rather by being truthful. The most expensive gift to give to the one you love or want to be in a relationship with is honesty. Money cannot buy that. An honest heart is a God-fearing person and an honest man’s word is as good as the word of God. For the scripture says “God is spirit. So the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” – John 4:24 (ERV).
Honesty, transparency, truthfulness and openness is what keeps two hearts glued in a relationship. Go into a relationship as clean as possible. Before you propose to anyone, examine yourself if you can marry someone with the same depth of character, habit, attitude etc like you. If you can’t afford to date someone like you then you should not propose to anyone.
You should be able to accept yourself, that is when you can be bold to be you without pretending to be who you are not. If you are not ashamed of a lifestyle, there is no way you will hide it when you get into a relationship. If you are proud of your character, there is no way you will lie to be someone else or act around.
It is better to see the one you want to be with as a dear friend, share the little you have with them without feeling bad that you don’t have enough. It makes you more honourable than someone who will go and borrow or steal just to put up a show.
And when you meet someone you like and want to be with you but their lifestyle makes you feel you don’t belong to the same class, let that person go. You don’t need to rent a car or borrow one to impress them because they are driving. Your relationship is with the person and not what they have. You get married to a person and not their possessions.
Instead of trying to fake your personality to match them, initiate friendship. The truth is, not all friendships end up in love but all love stories begin with friendship. Being a friend makes you closer to being a lover than faking to attract or get noticed. You don’t need material stuff to be a good friend, you need a good heart and character.
Once you are a friend and they know you for who you are, your friend will help bring out the best in you. It’s easy to change a car, easy to change or replace a phone; it’s easy to leave an apartment for another but a good friend is hard to leave and impossible to forget. Become a person people will find hard to leave or drop or forget. You do that by being honest, being of good behaviour and not by lying or pretending to be who you are not.
No gadget can take the place of a true friend, not even the latest technology. No distance or time spent away from each other can break true friends apart, for they are connected at heart. Spend time building good relationships than spending money getting company.
In conclusion, “What matters most is loyalty. It’s better to be poor than to be a liar” – Proverbs 19:22 (CEV).