It is important to underscore the fact that understanding the concept of temperament will certainly improve your interpersonal relationships. It will help you to answer the following critical questions:
▪️Why am I so different?
▪️What is my temperament?
▪️Can my temperament be changed?
▪️How can I overcome my weaknesses?
Temperament is the combination of inborn traits that subconsciously affect all our behaviours. There are four basic types of temperament and these are:
INSTRUCTION: To determine whether you are an introvert or an extrovert is really quite simple. Answer the following questions “yes” or “no”
- In a group do you find it easy to enter into the discussion?
- Are you a spontaneous, quick talker?
- Do you consider yourself an active person (as opposed to more deliberate person?)
- Does leadership come easily to you?
N/B: If you answered “yes” to the four questions, you are an EXTROVERT. But if you answered “no” to the four questions, you are an EXTROVERT.
INSTRUCTION: To determine whether you are a sanguine or a choleric is overly simple.
Answer the following questions “yes” or “no”:
- Do your friends think of you as “the life of the party”?
- Is easy for you to make friends?
- Are you basically a happy, care-free person?
- If you explode in anger, is it easy for you to apologies and forget about it later?
- Do you find it easy to apologies when you are wrong or offend someone?
- Does it concern you that you have several unfinished tasks or projects, and you are about to take on another?
- Do you enjoy being with people most of the time rather than being alone?
- Are you quiet concerned about pleasing other people?
- Are you easily moved to tears by the heartaches or joys of others?
- Do you have a problem with self-discipline, particularly in the area of weight control, spending money, and handling details?
N/B: If you answered “yes” to at least seven of these questions, you are a sanguine.If you answered “No” to at least seven of these questions, you are a Choleric. If your answers are equally divided, you are a blend of both temperaments.
INSTRUCTION: To determine whether you are a melancholy or a phlegmatic is overly simple.
Answer the following questions “yes” or “no”
- Do you have strong perfectionist tendencies?
- Do you see life as serious most of the time?
- Do you get discouraged if your work or that of other people does not measure up to your standards?
- Do you get annoyed at those who disagreed with you?
- Do you resent correction?
- If insulted, rejected, or injured, do you tend to mull it over and occasionally lash out or explode?
- Do you ever have feelings of depression or experience black moods?
- Do you prefer being along in contrast to being with people?
- Do you often feel that generally people do not understand or do not like you?
- Do you prefer to have a project going or something to do as opposed to having nothing to do ? N/B: If you answered “Yes” to at least seven of these questions, you are a Melancholy. If you answered “No” to at least seven of these questions, you are a Phlegmatic. If your answers are equally divided, you are a blend of both temperaments.