No, God does not rule by predestination. If God rules by predestination, this would mean that man has no will of his own…only acting like robots. God rather rules by SUBJECTIVE PURPOSE. Subjective purpose in the sense that his purpose for creation (man) is subject to the will of the creation. Man has the ability to decide to fulfill God’s purpose for creating him or not.
God does not interfere with man’s will except on special occasions where he has done otherwise, and this mostly happens when it concerns the Salvation of souls (as in Jonah 1- end) The circumstances that man finds himself are a consequence of man’s daily decisions and actions.
God is a spirit, operating in a spiritual realm which is superior. Whereas, man is a spirit being existing in a physical cartridge. Though man exists in two realms, his consciousness is in the physical. Now (2pet. 3:8) states: but, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as on day. Scientifically, this would be called “HEVENLY PARADOX” between two frames of reference ….which are physical and spiritual realms, but this is by no means a paradox. Now this rather implies that Time is just a mortal phenomenon. It is linear quantity where past and future never meets, So man is limited in knowledge by a time factor.
Whereas, God exists outside of time…He Transcends time. In other words, God does not experience time in a linear fashion as we do, so he can interact with time as he chooses, and hence, there’s no distinction between past and future with God. He can plunge into your future or past and know what he wants to know. Yesterday is as today and today is as tomorrow with God. That is why he has lived from an immeasurable and infinite duration (eternity) to eternity….By Mimshack