Have you heard any of these before: “the feeling I have for you is gone, the love I have for you is no more, I don’t feel anything when you touch me, I just see you like a brother or a sister. My love for you has died. We fell out of love, we don’t love each other anymore.” What this means is, people mistaken feelings for love. What they actually term as love is what we called infatuation. An intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
The excitement they experienced as a result of looking at you, talking to you, spending time with you, holding you, kissing you, having sex with you; the desire to fondle you, the craving to hold you in their arms, being crazy about your body parts and the lust for you is what people most at times refer to, when they say they have fallen deep in love with you.
Because of this feeling, many people cannot wait to get to the alter before they take you to bed. Having sex with you, to them, is referred to as love, when you and I know love is not sex. To fool you the more, they tell you, I want to make love to you. If the love is there why are we making it again? If they love you as they claim, why do we still make love for five minutes?
No wonder many people won’t call you or answer your call after the five minute love making. The love you made only lasted for five minute so they have nothing to do with you anymore until they are ready to make love again.
It is so surprising to see the same person who professed their love to you, in love with another person too. This happens because they have found someone who makes them feel more excited than you do. They have found someone who has more body features than you do, someone with a more beautiful face, smile, skin, breasts, hips, butt, hair, flat stomach, muscles than yours, so the reaction or the feelings they have for you has died. What they experienced when they loved you is no more.
This is why many husbands can easily leave their wives, who used their well sculpted bodies to pay the price for a baby for them, for a lady who has sacrificed nothing in the name of looking for a nice body. These men forget that their bodies also changed after they got married. Their stomach is now bigger than their chest.
Because we mistaken feelings for love, it is easy for such feelings to vanish when our partners treat us bad. It also becomes easy for anyone to pretend to love us by just impressing us with things which will make us feel special about them.
Love has become the most misused word, the cheapest commodity, so people think once you are in love with them, they can have control over you, tell you how to live your life, lose respect for you and treat you less than you deserve. You need to know, the fact that someone admires you or likes you doesn’t mean they love you, it doesn’t make them special from the billions of people on the earth.
People are becoming manipulative, trading feelings and playing with feelings all in the name of love. The end results in pains and hurt. People are in love with you yet not true to you, you share your body but not your mind, heart not mobile phone.
In part two of this message, I will take time to explain what love is and how different the two are.
In conclusion “Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit” – 1 Corinthians 13:8 (MSG).