Home Relationships IF YOU LOVE ME



1) If you love me, you will not have premarital sex with me because it will destroy my life.

2) If you love me, you will show me the Bible and prayer altar instead of your private part, pornography and everything, anything sinful and unholy.

3) If you love me, don’t talk dirty, flirt or turn me on with your romantic chats.

4) If you love me, you will not rape me.

5) If you love me, you will correct me when I make mistakes instead of pretending you like me that way only to abuse, judge and condemn me later.

6) If you love me, you will never compare me with your EX, your mother, sister or female friends.

7) If you love me, you will be generous to me and help me when I genuinely need your help.

8) If you love me, you will pray for me, pray with me and do everything daily to draw me to Christ.

9) If you love me, you will be patient, kind, loving, gracious and compassionate to me.
If you love me, you will forgive me anytime I go wrong and give me an opportunity for a fresh start.

10) If you love me, you will honour my parents.

11) If you love me, you will never allow me to kiss, romance, pet talk less of have sex with you.

12) If you love me, you will marry me not court and dump me!

13) If you love me, you will not throw me away when I’m having challenges,going through problems or you meet someone better than me.

14) If you love me, you will believw in my future.

15) If you love me, you will make me a super woman; strong, powerful, successful and fulfilled.

Does your partner love you? These are the characteristics of true love. True love makes your life better not bitter.

If his relationship with you is making you a bitter, sad, depressed, suicidal person, you are with the wrong man.

If they always abuse you, turn you to their sex slave and are double dating, What are you still doing in the relationship?

Value yourself sis.

Do not stay in a relationship with a man that does not love you. You need love, you need plenty of it to survive in marriage.

Do not settle for an abuser or a person who does not value you with the hope they will change in marriage.

People rarely change in marriage. If he does not change now, there is no guarantee he will change later .

Value yourself and let it go!

You will not regret your marriage in Jesus name.
Momma loves you.

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