Your relationship with God is very important but your relationship with people is important too.
If we must have good relationship, we must learn how to apologize, and how to forgive one another because no one is perfect, the people you love will hurt you at a time and vice versa.
Some people usually say “real men don’t apologize.” That school of thought is grossly misleading. It should be the opposite. Real men know how and when to apologize.
If you truly value your relationship, you would learn how to apologize appropriately and request for forgiveness.
When you offend a person, you’ve put a barrier between the both of you, and that barrier hinders your relationship.
When you apologize, ensure you state the reason for your apology with remorse, don’t add “but”, don’t try to validate your action.
Accept responsibility and go further to make restitution with utmost sincerity expressing the desire not to repeat the wrong you’ve done, then seek for forgiveness.
Forgiveness doesn’t reduce you in any way but it improves you.
It is a Godly response to a sincere apology so when your partner apologises to you in any way, try to forgive that person.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
Forgive and forget.
Love your spouse. Be honest and sincere with each other.