1) Being choky: No lady will be comfortable with a man that is choky. I have advised guys to follow at a lady’s pace. Don’t force affection, attention and admiration. Stop forcing things.
2) Being stingy: Ladies don’t like stingy men. It doesn’t matter either the lady likes money or not. It doesn’t matter either the lady is demanding or not. You must be a giver at your level and status. Every lady wants to check how much you can respond to her needs and wants without asking you.
3) Being possessive: No lady likes a man that’s possessive. You always to be in charge of her life. Monitoring her movements, moves and moments as if you own her is not good. Rid yourself of the entitlement mentality that always want you to be the landlord of her life 😊
Let her be herself and by that you will know her true identity.
4) Being a talkative: Ladies naturally like listeners. You can spend just 30 minutes with a lady and she’s seeing you as a talkative while another man can spend 3 hours with her and she’s not seeing him as a talkative. It’s about knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it.
You need to be a good conversationalist to make a lady comfortable with you.
Don’t cut her short while talking just to share your opinions. Even if you know more than her always let her talk.
5) Lack of confidence: No lady likes a man that’s not confident. Being confident is not being arrogant. You can be a simple, humble and calm man yet confident. Ability to be a man at all times in the face of challenges and confrontations shows how confident you are.
Being confident to a woman man is to stand tall and stand your your ground without timidity, shyness and fear.
6) Lack of ambition: Ladies don’t like a man that’s not ambitious. You should have a vision you’re aligning with, you should have a goal you’re pursuing, should have a dream you’re passionate about.
A man with ambition will be a man that’s not lazy, carelessly relaxed and foolishly satisfied.
7) Being clownish: Every lady likes a man that’s jovial but not clownish.
Being able to make a lady laugh doesn’t mean you should a clown.
Being able to crack jokes doesn’t mean you should be a joker.
Can you protect your respect, honour and dignity even as a jovial man.
No lady will be comfortable with a man that funny but lack respect from people and friends